Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I didn’t want the day to end without a good word for my internet family and friends.  So here goes….

A short conversation today with a friend of mine reminded me that one of the most lucrative lessons I’ve learned over the years is that you should make every effort to squeeze the juice out of your talents and gifts to get the maximum “You” out of You before your time is up on this side of the universe. 

So many have undoubtedly been found guilty of leaving so much of the best of themselves on the table of life then checking out of this life with the best parts of themselves still lodged dormant and untouched inside.  We should all make a point to apply the proper disciplines today like most don’t so that we can live tomorrow at our full potential like most won’t. 

So I invite you today and everyday here-forward to press on and push forward and work to live, love, listen, learn and earn at your full potential in this life and when the clock strikes twelve, let it find us climbing yet another new mountain and not sliding down an old one.

As I’ve always said, we only get one time through this life thing, so let’s invest our time attempting to make it GREAT! 




If you do what you love, I guarantee you will love what you do. Strive to become masterful in an area of your Passion as you’re creating value in service to others and watch everything else fall into place for you.  That’s the timeless Law of Reciprocity.

It took me a while to figure this one out, but I eventually got it.  Don’t you miss it and fall into the trap of “Average” leading an “Average” life making a living instead of “living your making” in an area of your passion.

Remember we only get one time through this “life” thing and it’s never too late to make it GREAT!

I created a short video to remind you of something special.   Enjoy!   GREAT WEEK!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book