In light of this graduation season I feel the urge to issue some unsolicited advice to those who are believe they’re done with school. Education does not stop with Graduation. And for those who are considering moving on to other institutions of higher learning, I caution you to consider the fact that it’s not so important where you decide to go as to what you “do” when you get there.
My experience has taught me that our choice in the next level institution or organization should always be secondary to what we decide to do when we get there. I’ve seen many who have made a choice of institutions and organizations because of its aloft reputation in the eyes of the general public only to be outpaced and outperformed by someone who has worked harder and smarter at a not-so-popular institution or organization.
Simply put, what you “do” trumps where you go everyday of the week and twice on Sundays. So I say to you today in terms of choosing to change in the area of academics, sports, business or life relationships. Commit to work primarily on the most important factor in the equation which is “YOU”. Make a commitment to squeeze the juice out of the environment that you’re in rather popular or not-so-popular and then go out and teach this world a lesson about what’s most important and what really counts.
Don’t miss this message today as you continue to lean forward and make it GREAT!
BTW: Double or Triple your graduates output by putting this book in their hands.