Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Does your commitment have a shelf-life?  Does your no-quit attitude have an expiration date?  Does your stick-to-it-ness have a weasel-out clause for certain high-pressure situations and circumstances?

Answering ”No” to these questions can be a lot easier said than actually done when the heat of life is breathing down the back of your neck.

For those of you who are on a mission to accomplish a big, hairy goal or do something significant for a cause greater than yourself in the days ahead, I encourage you to keep that commitment level high.  Firm-up that no-quit attitude and stick to your plan and believe in the process and miracles too.

That dynamic-duo of “Time” and consistent “Effort” will eventually do what they’ve done for so many others who’ve managed to hang-in-there over the years.  Yes, the time is soon to come when you will hear the welcomed applause for a job well done.

So keep leaning forward this week and continue in your noble efforts to make it GREAT!

My Book:


No one of us is better than the sum of us.  Together we can do exceedingly more than we could ever do apart.  Greatness is never accomplished by one man or woman alone.

I’m sooooo grateful for the people that have been strategically placed around me on this awesome life journey to something that matters.  Their role, whether small or big, makes what I do possible and to them I say one big THANK YOU!!!

Many, Many more projects in the works that are designed to benefit all those who dare to push toward being better today than they were yesterday.

Order the book Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT today and join the masses that have taken the plunge in the direction of developing themselves daily by one breadcrumb at a time. 

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book