Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Cedrc Crawford Photo -3It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to…  But, I don’t feel much like crying, I feel like posting a message on the internet to tell the world that I’m happy to still be above ground and breathing.  Some didn’t quite make it this far but I did and I’m not planning on wasting the moment.

42 and I’m not through.  42 with so much more to do.  42 and still serving you.  I couldn’t decide which motto to settle on for my 42nd birthday today so I thought I’d use them all.

Yes it was on this day 42 years ago that I got my first spanking and took my first breath.  I can’t pretend to know when it’ll be my last but I’m guessing it’s sometime in the not-so-distant future, so I can’t spend much time sitting around worrying about it.

I heard that the more birthdays you have the longer you live, so I plan to have as many as I can.  Sooooo much more to do with an unknown amount of time to do it in can be a bit perplexing at times, yet I press-on and endure.

Truth be told, I feel like I’ve just finished the salad-appetizer of life at this stage so I’ve kept my fork in anticipation of the main course.  So stay tuned for the chicken-fried steak and eggs with a mouth-watering gravy that’s to die for or even live for.  🙂

Today I renew my commitment to continue to source and serve others until my time is up.  Yes, you can fully expect me to continue in my efforts to make this good life, GREAT!!!  42 and I’m not through!!!


WContradictory Prayere should be careful what we pray for and how we pray for it because we just might end up confusing the one we’re praying to.  If we’re not careful we may oftentimes find ourselves praying what I call a “contradictory prayer.”  On the one hand, a prayer for strength and growth while on the other hand, at the same time praying to avoid the rain and strain of adversity can be a bit confusing to say the least.

I invite you to consider the following thoughts if you will.  How can we expect to grow without the water and rain and strain of adversity and challenges?  The very essence of such elements are designed to make us stronger and wiser.  Falling, failing and faltering are absolutely necessary in the success and growth process.  So, we pray NOT for a life without loss, adversity, suffering or failure, but we do pray for the ability to utilize those gifts that have been given to us to the fullest of their potential and to the best of our ability.  We pray for the stamina to endure through what comes our way and learn quickly from our mistakes so as to not repeat them.

Understand today that no matter how many times you fail you’re still miles ahead of those who haven’t even tried at all.  No matter how small your steps are you’re still yards ahead of those who are afraid to move.  And, no matter how many times you fall, you’re still several feet taller than those who don’t even make an effort to get back up again.

A clear prayer definitely clears the air of contradiction.  So let’s enjoy the rays of the sunshine and embrace the strain of the rain because in it all lie’s the hope for growth and strength and a better tomorrow.  And never ever forget that life’s too short to just make it good, so let’s use the breadcrumbs of knowledge and wisdom to make it GREAT! 


Food-4-Thought -1I’ve been doing that “thinking” thing again lately and I invite you to consider the following truth.

Inspiration can get you out of your seat.  Motivation can get you out of the door, but only proper Application of the right Education can lead you to your desired Transformation.

Personal Development is an indispensable necessity and a must-have for those who are serious about being better today than they were yesterday in every way.

So be sure to find something that feeds you on a regular basis and tune-in, plug-in and start Making it GREAT!!!

My book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” just might be a good start.  Guaranteed value added or your money back, so order today.  Use my promo code:  “Good4Nothing” and receive an instant $5 off the retail price for a limited time.  So, Order Today and get on your way.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATalking about seizing the moment and Making it GREAT.  Last night we arrived at the movie theater a little early for a change.  As we were walking to the ticket booth I looked to my right and saw a perfectly cast shadow of me and my son Cedric Jr. on the wall of the building.  Most people would think, “No big deal” right?  But we’re definitely not “Most People.”

Hey Look!” I said, “A perfect size shadow.”  I then broke into my best Pop-lock dance move from the 80’s.  Seconds later I stopped and pointed at Little “C” and right on queue he started gyrating and delivering his best “Chris Brown” moves.  At this time I felt an overwhelming duty not to let Generation “Y” think for one minute that they’ve created better dance moves then Generation “X.”  So I pulled out my secret weapon.  The incomparable Michael Jackson.  Yes that’s right folks, the “Smooth Criminal” told little “Billie Jean” to “Beat it.”

During all the mayhem I didn’t realize that we’d created an audience of spectators who were in the long lines laughing and enjoying the free show.  I was still prepared to keep going but generation “Y” figured he had enough for now.  Laughter, smiles and trash-talk continued for a few more minutes as we headed to take our place in the line.

It’s times like these that I truly enjoy the most.  Yes, we could’ve let that moment slip away but we took it captive and made a great little memory.  It wasn’t the first time and it definitely won’t be the last.  Generation “X” won this round, but I fully expect generation “Y” to come charging back soon with guns and new dance-moves a-blazing.  And, you can bet I’ll be ready for the next showdown in the dark.

Actually Showdown Shadow Dancing is kind of fun.  You should try it sometime.  Don’t miss your opportunity to make those great memories and moments.  This is a pretty sweet breadcrumb to making this good life, GREAT!  


three scoops of ice creamWas laying in bed the other night next to wifey as she had just returned from the bathroom.  “So, you’re no longer going to make an effort to put the toilet set down?” She asked.  Caught completely off guard, after a few seconds of silence I nearly let out an audible laugh until I realized she may be serious.

Just to be sure I asked, “Are you serious?”  “Yessss… Every since we watched that movie with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher (“What happens in Vegas”) you’ve been leaving the toilet seat up.” She said.  I still wasn’t sure so again I asked, “Are you really serious?”  Then she gave me the “look.”  You know the one.  The one that says, “Don’t mess with me.” to put it lightly.  

I then thought to myself, “Ok, now I can laugh because she’s really serious and this is definitely funny.”  So laugh I did… But she wasn’t smiling.  “Uh ohhh…  I need to reel it in and tone it down a second before this gets heated.” I thought.  Deep breath and composure… More »

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book