Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

So “why” are you here?

Your beliefs, values and past life experiences are the center litmus test of determining your true ‘why” for living.

So coming to grips with your past experiences and getting clear on what you truly believe-in and the values that are important to you in this life will help you to determine “why” you’re living it.  And, knowing “why” you’re living it will make it easier for you to say “Yes” to the things that benefit and work in concert with your “why” and “No” to the things that don’t.

Then as a result, this will bring you into true alignment with your “why” and you will no doubt find yourself living a much more fulfilled life and true joy and happiness will not elude you.

Now to the contrary, not being clear on your “why” can doom us to living a life that harbors a yearning of something better than the course we are currently on and this will open us up to becoming a victim of bitterness, burnout, frustration and stress.

So “why” are you here?  Hmmm…  No need to answer this question out loud, just find that “why” and make us all proud and stand out from the crowd.

Find your true “why” that makes you cry and get-on out there and Make it GREAT!”


As I stumble through this life I’ve noticed that some of us seriously need a good mentor to post bail for our incarcerated mindset. A good mentor can be like a spotter that’s there to help you lift the heavy weights of life and push you past the point of pain and strain toward a positive gain.

The best mentors tend to be the ones who aren’t afraid to admit that they don’t have it all figured out but their making strides in the right direction every day.

So how is your mindset lately?  Are you in need of a mentor posting bail for your incarcerated, boxed way of thinking?  Have you allowed your own limiting beliefs to paint you into a corner of stinking thinking and a mediocrity mindset?  Hmmm…  Please don’t answer these questions out loud just commit to make the proper changes and make us proud and stand out from the crowd.

Remember that even the best of skillsets without the proper mindset can leave you upset and that you can bet, but it’s not over yet.  Dare to upgrade your condition by grabbing a good mentor and surrounding yourself with positive people who are hell-bent on being better today than they were yesterday in every way every day.  One of the most difficult things to do is to hang out with a bunch of winners and not be one yourself.  🙂

So make a choice today and get on your way to Making it GREAT!


The “Me-I-My’s” is a condition that millions if not billions of people the world-over suffer from on an everyday basis, especially during times of struggles and troubles.  But I encourage you today to resist this condition and affliction at all cost because self-centeredness and focusing on the old Me, Myself & I will never win you any worthwhile awards this side of the universe.

Actually, I’ve found that one of the best activities we can do while we’re going through our storm is to encourage and cheer someone else on while they’re in the midst of their storm.  Yes that’s right friends, when we take eyes and focus off of our self and place them on others, it opens us up to receive that which we need to get us through our own struggles and troubles.

So, no more “Me-I-My’s” but more “T”- “H”- “E”- “Y’s” is needed.  Yes “They” need our help so let’s not let’em down, not today.  Let’s unite together in one mind and spirit and continue in our best efforts to help others to Make it GREAT!


Personal development is my passion and creating value for others is what drives me to get up early and stay up late. Inspiring, Motivating, Empowering and Educating others to perform at their peak and overcome the F.A.C.T.S. (Fear, Adversity, Change, Troubles and Struggles) of life is my specialty.

As a Peak Performance Specialist my goal is to help you and your team to accomplish yours.  My Passion is to help you and your team to find yours.  And my Gift lies in the area of helping you to discover yours.

Let me partner with you to help you and your organization to help you do something BIG!  Let’s Make it GREAT together because there’s no one of us that’s better than the sum of us.  🙂

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Want to be three times better in one year than you are today in everyway?  Well, for FREE you can log into my exclusive club and receive a powerful, customized video and power message from me once a week for an entire year @  Sign up today and you never have to pay a dime.  It’s FREE…  Enjoy…  😉


So exactly how many times do you find yourself pressing that  snooze button on your alarm clock in the morning before actually getting up and starting your day?  Hmmm…

Or maybe an even better question is exactly how many times are you going to continue to press the snooze button on your life’s biggest goals and dreams before you actually get up and start taking some action-steps toward making them reality?

When exactly are you going to get started with pursuing those things that you really want to do in this life?   And most importantly, how will today be any different than yesterday or any other day?  Hmmm…

Yes indeed these are some tough questions but I’ve found that tough questions can oftentimes lead to life-changing answers.

Continuing to put-off till tomorrow that which you can start doing today has never and will never yield positive results because tomorrow never comes.  Truth be told, we really don’t even have today.  All we have is this specific moment in time right now.

So I encourage you today to go ahead and keep the alarm clock but please consider getting rid of the snooze button and master your moments NOW because your tomorrow will never come and times-a-ticking.

So get on your way to making it GREAT today!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book