“Cedric, you sure talk a lot about finding your Passion and serving it up to the world. I have no clue about my passion or my area of God-given talent and gifts. Do you have any quick tips on how I can find out what it is?” If I had a dime for every time this question is thrown at me, I would be a very wealthy man. 🙂

Well, the simple answer to this question is “Yes”. Yes I do have a few simple tips that can put you on the path to discovering or even re-discovering that “Passion” thing of yours and also identifying those unique talents and gifts that are nestled inside of you itching to be leveraged for the benefit of others.

For starters, think about what is that thing that you can do all day every day without pay while times slips away?

What is that thing that you appear to have a knack for and seems to come easy for you but may be a bit challenging for others?

What is that thing that you do that others may oftentimes compliment you on?

What is that thing that makes you come alive and brings a big smile to your face when you think about it and time appears to speed up when you’re doing it?

Finally, what is that thing or activity that unlocks the box of where your inner-most feelings of joy and fulfillment reside?

Answering these questions can definitely put you on the path to unearthing those special gifts, talents and passions you possess. So if you’re still in limbo about what makes you special, your homework for life is to discover it, uncover it and help your sister and brother with it. The world needs you now more than ever to step into your greatness so you can then in-turn help them to Make it Great!

Now get-on out there and Make it GREAT!!!
