Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Over the years I’ve learned that one of the best test of a person’s true character is how they treat others behind the scenes who can do absolutely nothing for them. Yes my friends the true marker and measure of one’s genuine character comes by a person’s actions and treatment of another of seemingly lessor status when they think no ones looking.

The absence of the watchful eye of the general public creates a sense of safety and many will let their false-face and guard down and let their true self and character show. So to this I invite you to consider doing the following:

We must not be so quick to accept what we see in public as an accurate depiction and representation of a person’s true colors in private. You’d be shocked and amazed at what you really don’t know about a person’s behavior outside of the public’s eye.

So my prayer for you today is, may our private face be congruent with our public face every day of the week and twice on Sundays while we’re on our way to Making it GREAT! This gives a whole new meaning to “What you see is what you get”.



Life’s Laws and Life’s Lessons will always be at play in the game of life and the more we ignore one the more we will experience the other. Yes that’s right friends, the more we ignore Life’s Laws the more we will have to experience Life’s Lessons firsthand. Experience may be the best teacher but being proactive in life to avoid some of its tough lessons is just plain-ole’ smart if you ask me. 😉

The Law of Association, the Law of Reciprocity and the Law of Attraction are just a few laws that come to mind that can be leveraged to make your mistakes of tomorrow much less than your mistakes of yesterday and today.

Don’t know about these laws? Well, as they say, “ignorance of the law is no excuse”. So we must all make an intentional effort to uncover and discover what these Life Laws are all about so we can avoid some of these major Life Lessons in the unpredictable days ahead.

Just a little breadcrumb to assist you in Making this “good” life GREAT!!!



Ok friends, I regret to inform you that I’ve reluctantly decided that I will be taking a long hiatus/absence from my blog and social media content creation because of the external pressures and drama all around me at this time.

Just kidding… LOL 🙂

You will NEVER, EVER see or hear those words come out of my mouth because I know that “Evil” would love nothing more than for those of us who would try to do “Good” to exit all social media and cyber-platforms so that “Evil” can go-about doing its negative dirty-work unchallenged by the positive.

So to that I say, “NEVER GONNA HAPPEN BUDDY!!!” I’ll never say “Uncle” and wave the white flag of surrender and exit this space, so I guess it’s fair to say that you’re stuck with me. Ha-Ha-Ha-Haaaa (in my sinister laugh).

You know, I could use a little bit of help too, so feel free to adopt the same commitment to continue to do “Good” and create value for others no matter what the situations or circumstances surrounding you and let’s keep working to Make it GREAT!



This may come as a bit of a shock to many of you but I’m told that the harsh truth tends to do that from time-to-time. So here-goes my latest thought inspired by insomnia:

After giving it some thought I now realize that our planet really is rich with abundant resources and can provide for the needs of everyone. But, over countless years it appears that many of us have ever-so-gradually morphed into creatures who are looking to leverage the planets riches and abundant resources to finance our own selfish agenda for gain.

Many of us have become more interested in innovating rather than inspirating, motivating and educating. We’re now focusing more on our earnings instead of others yearnings. It appears many of us have completely given ourselves over to greed rather than responding to those who are genuinely in need.

To this abysmal reality I say “Do not despair” for there is hope, and that hope lies in me. Yep that’s right my friends I did say “Me”. Oh, and that hope lies in you too. In the words of the late, great, world-renowned, intellectual philosopher Michael Jackson, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror and I’m asking him to change his ways….If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change. Nah-nah-nah, Nah-nah-nah, etc…” Or something like that. 🙂

So a good question today is, are you just exploiting the riches and abundant resources of our beautiful planet for your own selfish gain? Is there a change needed in your future to bring you back to what matters most? No need to answer out loud, just make us all proud and stand out from the crowd and say out loud, Make it GREAT!!! Yep, we definitely have our work cut out for us.


Finding yourself wanting to text people more than talking to them lately? Well, you’re not alone. I’ll be the first to admit that I have to intentionally stop myself from texting and dial a number so that I can actually engage in a verbal conversation with people.

I swear that this new technology stuff is making me lazy in the physical socialization category. So I’m fighting to hold on to my old southern chivalrous qualities that I once held dear.

I would still much rather hear your voice than to read your text. I would much rather hug your neck than to shake your hand. Let’s walk to the park and have a home-cooked meal instead of drive to the corner to get a big bag through a small window. Let’s talk as strangers in a waiting room rather than go blind staring at our “Smart”-phones that are probably making us “Dumb” and uninviting to others.

Yes my friends these simple things can definitely help us to stay connected with each other in a world that’s trying to rip us socially apart. Now, don’t get me wrong, new advances in technology are becoming more and more awesome but meaningful relationships can and should be maintained and sustained outside of electronic mediums in a World-Wide-Wacky-Wild-Web.

So, I encourage you NOT to fall for the “Okie-Doke-Joke” of technological progress. Stay ever-so-loyal to the meaningful interactions of the “real” world and you just might find yourself Making it GREAT!


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book