Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

That’s right my friends, contrary to popular opinion, “Time” is NOT running out. But, Your Time is…

Yep… You ONLY have a limited amount of this commodity so use it wisely my friends.

Now, GET BUSY!!! 😏

Make it GREAT!

And Yes this is Ok to Share if you so Dare… 😉

Come follow me in 2020 and I’ll Inspirate, Educate and Motivate you along your way to brighten your day. (Instagram: @MrMakeItGreat) 😀


Yep, that’s right my friends our “Healthy Habits” can hone our hearts to become that which we desire most to be.

So, install those “Healthy Habits” firmly in place and stick to them until the “You” you desire to be most shows up.

Nope it ain’t rocket science. It’s “Healthy Habits” & “Ritual Routines” that accomplish the Dream if you know what I mean. 😏

Ok to Share if you Dare…

LETsGOOO!!! 🙌💪

Come follow me in 2020 and I’ll Inspirate, Educate and Motivate you along your way to brighten your day. (Instagram: @MrMakeItGreat) 😀


That’s right my friends…

This “Life” thing is pretty hard. But I’ve come to realize & recognize that it’s even harder if you’re a Dummy or just plain-ole’ Stupid. LOL

Yep, I know that sounds a bit harsh but it’s the truth.

So take the Time to invest in your Mind and be willing to Grind and you’ll be doing Mighty Fine, guaranteed or your money back. 😉

You owe it to yourself and maybe someone else to grow yourself.

So, Make it Great & DON’T BE NO DUMMY!!!

Come follow me in 2020 and I’ll Inspirate, Educate and Motivate you along your way to brighten your day. (Instagram: @MrMakeItGreat) 😀


That’s right my friends, as a Speaker who has graced many different stages & platforms over the years, I’ve come to the realization that most people are what I call “Sight Rich but Vision Poor”.

This simply means that no matter what you Say, they will always respond better to what you Display. That’s right, it’s NOT just what you Know, it’s what you SHOW.

So, sometimes we need to just shut up and show’em what we’re working with, LOL… 😉

So, is it time for you to Shut Up and start producing results? Hmmm… No need to shout out loud, just make us all proud and stand out from the crowd. 😊

Luv ya 💕

Now Press that “Share” button, you know somebody needs to here this.

Come follow me in 2020 and I’ll Inspirate, Educate and Motivate you along your way to brighten your day. (Instagram: @MrMakeItGreat) 😀


That’s right my friends… I consider myself the self-proclaimed Guru of analyzing other Gurus to extract information on what it takes to make them a Guru.

Then I go through the painstaking task of synthesizing the information to make it easy for you to digest and apply to your own life for amazing results.

You’re welcome. Hahahaha…

Stay Plugged in my friends. Soooo much more to come before I’m done. 😉

Ok to Share if you so Dare…

Come follow me in 2020 and I’ll Inspirate, Educate and Motivate you along your way to brighten your day. (Instagram: @MrMakeItGreat) 😀

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book