Ok, I must admit that I’m totally guilty of making several bad choices yesterday and you would’ve been pretty disappointed in my actions. I offer it on full display for you today in hopes that you will catch a glimpse of what NOT to do. Then, as always I’ll be sure to end it with a positive twist.

First of all I started my day a bit late getting out of bed at about 10:00am and totally skipped the most important meal of the day which is breakfast, only to make up for lost opportunity by eating a BIG lunch that had almost no nutritional value whatsoever.

I spent a very unproductive hour or two in my office on the internet watching videos of stuff that’s not going to make me any better. Then to top it off, I skipped dinner and over the span of an hour or two later I found myself eating a grand total of one Snickers Bar, two scoops of Rite-aid ice-cream, one chocolate-chip cookie and a Grab-bag size of Funyuns.

Now if this type of action and eating could send a person to Hell, I’d be headed straight down with gasoline underwear on. LOL 🙂 But here’s the good news:

Yesterday is now in the history books and I’ve been endowed with a fresh new day full of fresh new choices to make and I’m off to a GREAT start.

I’d like to encourage you today to understand that we all are capable of making bad choices and engaging in unfruitful actions and the person that says they’re not is a person that’s trying to sell you something, SO DON’T BUY IT !!!

As a leader, parent, person in power or authority it is vitally important that we be transparent in our struggles, troubles and shortcomings so that others will have the opportunity to see that we’re “Similar” and not “Special”. This can then open up avenues and mental doors in the minds of many who would’ve otherwise been closed to any notion or possibility that they could be better and do better.

You can miss breakfast, lunch or dinner today but please don’t miss this message. Today is a NEW DAY and you can start over and WIN! So get-on out there today I say and make those good choices again and Make it GREAT! I’ll go first……. 😉



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