I’ve discovered that in life there appears to be two different types of leaders.  There are those who are appointed “Leaders” and there are those who actually “Lead”, and their ability to produce positive results from their followers usually has a noticeable difference.

Appointed “leaders” are those who’ve been placed in positions of power or authority and may oftentimes lack authentic heart and genuine feelings for what they do.  But, those who “lead” have true, unadulterated passion for what they do and completely understand “why” they do it and they positively influence and inspire us.

Yes my friends, the best influence doesn’t come from just some plain-ole’ leader, it comes from those who are capable of leading by their consistent actions fueled by their true passion, feelings and emotions for that which they represent.

So the question today is, “Are you actively and passionately Leading others, or are you just an appointed Leader going through the emotionless motions?” No need to answer the question here, just make sure you’re crystal clear and have no fear.  I encourage you today to get-on out there and lead with passion and action as you continue in your efforts to Make it GREAT!





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