I’ve been thinking lately about a clear and present danger and threat to our national security that exist right here in our society that appears to be flying under the radar of the general public’s detection. Its mere existence and affects may even appear to be benign and ever-so-subtle on the surface, but the results if left unchecked can be as malignant as they come.

If you look closely you can even see remnants and evidence of the residual effects and fallout in the common areas and places and spaces of our society as we go about our day-to-day lives interacting with people. So what is this juggernaut-of-a-phenomena that could quite possibly unravel the very fabric of our great nation right under our very noses?

Well, it’s quite simply the poor education and mental de-socialization of our next generation and our society’s proliferation of more-and-more people coming out of school chasing the all-mighty-dollar rather than pursing an area of their gifts, talents and passions.

Our ability to challenge our youth and spark their creative juices in the respective areas of their gifts and passions should always be our main objective. After all, it’s the ingenuity of creative minds and innovation and invention in the area of people’s passion that has been the driving force behind the success of our great nation.

The unbridled ability of our youth to dream a Big dream and have the courage to pursue that dream with a tenacity that says “I will until” has been paramount in our journey as a superpower-nation.
Yes our national security may be under direct attack from within, but we can turn it all around and keep our country secure and lead it back to greatness once again and it all starts in our own home.

Yes that’s right my friends, we can engage our youth, challenge their intellect, raise the bar on our expectations of them and stimulate their mind. We can help them to identify their gifts, strengths and passions, then push and prod them in the direction of growing their gifts to their full potential. This definitely would be a positive step in the direction of making our country great once again. Let’s all choose to Make it GREAT!



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