Many the world-over since the beginning of time have suffered from this one addiction that still manages to permeate and penetrate every corner of society.  This addiction has no respect of person and is not specific to any color, creed or kind and to-date there hasn’t been a treatment facility or 12 step program created to treat its victims.

This addiction has been known to bring even the wealthiest among us to their knees and has crept upon some of the righteous and led them to compromising all that they’ve stood for.  Yes this addiction has a reckless disregard for anything and anybody other than the host that carries it.

So what is this horrible addiction that continues to reek havoc on our humanity down through the years? Well, it’s the addiction to “Selfishness” and “Greed.”  Yes my friends this addiction is infamous and notorious for getting people to violate the golden rule by taking their focus off of others and placing it on themselves.  Don’t let it be you.

I encourage you to keep your core principles, objectives and intent bent in the direction of others and as a result, watch what happens for you.  Yes indeed this is a breadcrumb of wisdom that can lead us all to making this ‘good’ life GREAT!  So let’s go Make it GREAT!

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