What an awesome day to be above ground and breathing,” was the comment I made to a gentleman at church just a few days ago and he said, “Well for us Christians, if we’re no longer here on this earth that means we’re in heaven with Jesus which is a much better place than being here.

I cracked a casual smile and then told him that if we’re not here in this life on earth that means we have absolutely no chance of helping other people and instilling inspiration and hope in our hurting humanity and “I don’t think I’m quite ready to throw in the towel on my contribution just yet.”

He paused for a few seconds as if to process my comment and then he said, “Wow!  I guess I’ve never really thought about it that way.”  We both chuckled a bit and then exchanged a few more niceties and wished each other a great day then went on our merry way.

I must admit that I never get tired of having these types of casual encounters and conversations with people that get them to think about things in a slightly different manner.  I’m not sure what he will do with this new notion but it sure felt pretty good watching him experience an “Aha Moment”.  🙂

I hope that in some way this article has been an “Aha Moment” for you and in the days ahead I invite you to consider what you’re doing or what COULD you be doing to help or give hope to our hurting humanity.  So when your final hour comes, you’ll truly feel like you’re “finished” with the task and mission for which you were here for in the first place and feel like you’ve actually made this life GREAT!

Have a fabulous weekend and Make it GREAT!





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