I ’ve been gaining clarity in understanding that the reason why we eventually succeed is because we’re not afraid to fail. We eventually grow stronger because we’re not afraid to acknowledge our weaknesses. We ultimately hit our homeruns because we dare to keep swinging the bat.  We eventually score touchdowns because we’re not afraid to say, “Give me the ball and let me run!”  We continue to make major steps forward because of our ability to plow through the minor setbacks.

We must continue to refuse to let those cynical voices around us succeed in talking us back into the “Box” of life and pursuing a goal of comfort and “averagism” after every challenge or failure. We can’t expect the average person to understand our journey and process of positive change if they have yet to start their own journey.

Be advised that in this life we may be a lot of things but “Average” is not one of them. We continue to strive to be the exception to the unwritten rule of mediocrity. Words like normal, typical and usual do not describe us. We are indeed persistent, vigilant overcomers and understand that we eventually WIN because we are not afraid to Lose. The difference for us is we understand that we must fail our way to success in this life.  There’s no magic bullet or other way around it. So let’s fail forward fast and furiously.

I say with emphatic passion on this day, when you give it your best the score board becomes obsolete and can never, ever make you a loser. Continue to move forward this week and better your best. 

Make it GREAT!   Let’s keep striving to be anything but “Average”.


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