I was on my way to an important appointment early this morning and I was involved in a major vehicle accident involving six other vehicles.  I was very fortunate to walk away without a scratch on me and my vehicle only sustained minor damage.

In the heated moment I found myself totally forgetting about my appointment and scrambling to others in thier vehicles in an attempt to make sure the people involved were ok.  Then I saw a small crowd forming around a person that was screaming in pain.  As I hurriedly approached the crowd I remember thinking, “Lord, why couldn’t this accident have just happened a few stop-lights further down the road to someone else?” but then immediately my second thought was that I would get involved and feel equally as compassionate and concerned for those other people too.

As I approached the crowd I saw a few friends that I knew and then before I could see who the severely injured person was, my alarm clock went off and I woke up.  Whoaaa!!!  Yep that’s right folks, it was all just a dream.  Well, thank God for that.

You know I’ve found that often times our sleep dreams can reveal who we truly are and how we truly will feel and react under certain situations and circumstances.  It didn’t matter who these people were I still would’ve done all I could to help.

I was speaking to a bunch of Principles and Administrators a couple of days ago at a retreat and I advised them that “Adversity” is never convenient and it has an uncanny way of managing to pop in and out of our lives at the most inopportune times.  But I invite you to consider today that this “Adversity” shows up to test your true “You” and thereby make you stronger for your road ahead.

I received a call two days ago advising me that my Aunt Mary died and our family once again faces a bit of unexpected uneasiness and “adversity”, but no worries because we know she’s alright and we too shall be alright. She and her husband Uncle Ernest were always known for preaching the word for people to “Stay Ready”.

My acronymic definition for A-D-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y is:  the Ability to Develop Via Experiencing Rough Situations that Involuntarily Train You.  So I encourage you to make an effort to stay in the right mindset that allows you to make a positive impact even in the worst of situations and circumstances as they arrive, when they arrive because no doubt they’re coming to us all.

So stay steady and “Stay Ready” as my Aunt Mary would say to face and overcome your “Adversity” in a positively bold way and Make it GREAT!

I have some pretty cool tools that can keep you in the right mind frame and help you stay ready for just about anything and you can pick some up at my website:  www.TheInspirationStore.com.  So check it out if you’d like.  It works for me…

Let’s continue to lean forward in this “life” thing and Make it GREAT because we really don’t know how much of it we have left.





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