I just ran into an old friend today that I used to work with almost 20 years ago. Immediately I was reminded of why I liked being around him and it was because he was the lighter complexion mirror of myself. A big smile and a very welcoming demeanor and always talking positively was his personality.

A conversation ensued as we proceeded to catchup on the current activities and interest of each other’s lives. He advised me that he had been following my blog and personal development events online and was looking forward to one day attending at least one of them with a number of his clients.

I inquired about his current career interest and it was no surprise to me to hear that he was still working for the same organization and has now moved way up the chain of command. So then I asked the million dollar question. I said, “Well, are you happy?”

He paused for a few seconds, slanted his eyes at me and then struggled to respond. A few more awkward seconds later he managed to eek out the words, “Well, it has its ups and downs but its good money.” We laughed together a bit and shared a few reminiscent memories then we parted ways promising to meet each other for lunch soon.

While it was awesome reconnecting with my old friend, I must say that as I walked away I couldn’t help but to think that it appeared as if a little bit of my friend’s lively spirit had been sucked out of him over the years. The big spark that I once knew was not as big anymore. It truly seemed as if something was now missing and I couldn’t help but to wonder if he was slowly becoming a classic victim of what I call the “Good Money” syndrome. This is when a person decides to let a job making “good money” get in the way of living a “Great Life” with passion.

Yes my friends, this syndrome has been increasing in epidemic proportions over the years and it’s quietly snuffing out people’s sparkling light and robbing them of living a life rooted in so much more than just a “good” paycheck and mediocre existence. And to that end, I affectionately say, “Don’t let this be you.”

Never forget that we only get one time through this “life” thing, so let’s not just try to squeak by and make it “good”, but let’s be bold enough to do what it takes to Make it GREAT!




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