My oldest brother, Bennie, flew in from Texas to hang out with me for a couple of days not long ago. We stayed up almost all night talking about our childhood memories. Everything from him threatening to kick me out of his car for chewing too loud, to the time I got a good-ole-fashioned but whooping by my Dad with a plastic baseball bat for being outside playing without my crutches after I had broke my leg from being hit by a car.

I reminded him of an event that I will never forget, but he swears he doesn’t remember it. It was my freshman year in high school and he was a Senior. I was super-excited because I had just been invited to our high school’s famous Carnation Ball. To be invited was not a really big deal, but to be a freshman invited by one of the prettiest girls in the school was a HUGE deal.

Her name was Michelle and she was an upper-class, Junior at my high school. (I’m actually getting goose-bumps just remembering the excitement I felt knowing that this was a BIG ordeal.) Once I got home that day, I immediately asked my Dad if it was Ok that I attended the Ball and he said, “Of course, but you’ll have to ask your big brother if he will let you ride in the car with him and his date.” Uughhh!!! Needless to say, I did not like this response, but I had to accept it.

I ran to my big Brother, Bennie, and said, “Please, Please, Please let us ride with you to the Ball, I’ll do anything for you.” And he abruptly, without hesitation said, “NO!” He wasted no time popping my little bubble of excitement and showed no remorse whatsoever as he walked away. I pleaded and pleaded with him but he would not relent. It was as if he didn’t care one single bit about my excitement, because it was “His time to shine.” I look back on that event today and it still makes me upset, but the lesson I take away is that “It just wasn’t my time, yet.” The optimum word is “Yet”.

So, I say to you today that some things just have to happen in their own due time. So don’t pout or get mad or sad, just realize that patience is an under-used virtue and let time do it’s job.

I asked my brother that if he had that choice to make again, what would be his response, and he said, “Still NOPE!” It just wasn’t my time.

It’s funny how some moments in our past can be massively significant to us, but mean absolutely nothing to others that were involved.

Stay focused today and don’t be too anxious and realize that there’s nothing more powerful than a dream whose time has come to be fulfilled. Let’s make it GREAT! In due time……

Oh, I eventually went to several Carnation Balls and had a BALL !!! It was my TIME !!!

There’s dozens-and-dozens of stories like this in my book, “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” that are designed to Inspire, Motivate, Encourage and Educate you on your journey through this thing called “life.”  Order your copy today and join the many, many others who are raving about it’s value and authenticity.   ( e-Book version avail. at )

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2 Responses to In Due Time…
  1. Sarge Summers says:

    Hi Cedric,

    A high school class-mate who just came back into my life after about 41 years and a mutual friend for you and me (Howard Callender)from Stanton, TX recently gave me a copy of your book (I’m thinking he is mentioned on page 17 of your book, but not certain). I must tell you that your book is incredible and so is your attitude. Many of the things that you share in your book, I’ve been expressing to people during my brief 59 years on this planet called earth. To say the word motivational and Cedric R. Crawford are one and the same is an under-statement… Your writing style is refreshing and your sense of humor is off the charts! Thanks for taking the time to write this book and thanks for the investment that you’re making in the lives of others. It’s what we do for others that really makes a huge difference in this life and the one to come… “To whom much is given, much is required.”


    “The Ole Sarge – The Ultimate Road Warrior”
    U.S. Army Retired – Houston, TX
    806-559-2500 (Personal Cell)

    • It never gets old…

      That’s right Sarge, it never gets old. I never get tired of reading comments like yours. It makes me smile over and over again.

      I’ll let you in on a little secret. I take the best ones and add them to a PDF file so on those days that I need a little affirmation that I’m doing the “right thing” I pull it out and smile all over again.

      Thanks for taking time out of your life to sow a great comment into mine. Yes, this is definitely one that I will be putting in the old PDF. 😉

      I’m super glad you’re enjoying my book. Don’t be afraid to tell a friend or five. My goal is to positively infect the world with a virus of positivity that has no cure this side of the universe. So, thanks in advance for your help.

      No one of us is better than the sum of us. One person can make it good but two or three that agree can Make it GREAT!!!


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