Would it surprise you if I told you that “resistance” is an indispensable factor of life? Even the greatest of airplanes could never reach for the sky and achieve flight in the absence of the resistance created by the air around it.

Well, just as this is true it’s also true that we humans need a bit of resistance and adversity around us in our lives in order for us to grow and thrive. That’s right my friends, resistance is absolutely necessary for us to achieve anything worthwhile, with emphasis on the words “worthwhile”.

So as a result, if we’re not encountering any resistance on our “worthwhile” journey in this “life” thing, then it may be a good sign that our desired goal just might not be worth our while. Hmmm… Just a short fyi for you today in hopes that you will realize and embrace the role of resistance and continue in your efforts to make this “good” life GREAT!



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