The old saying “It takes a village to raise a child,” has been repeated by many down through the years, but lately it appears that some parents aren’t being too cooperative with the village. Honestly, many of the other village members are in fear of being sued or just out-right beat-up or hurt by an over-protective parent if they attempt to help in steering or correcting a child lately.

Yep that’s right it appears that more and more good family members, friends, teachers and other would-be mentors and authority figures are being squeezed-out of playing an active role in helping to raise the children of our respective village-communities.

Not my child!  Nobody is going to challenge, correct or discipline my child but me,” has been the common phrase thrown around these days and as a result, the “Not My Child Syndrome” is negatively infecting and affecting a whole generation.

It even sometimes seems that the lack of playing a solid role in their own kids life is pushing some parents to feeling like the only way they can really show they love their kids is to run to their defense when someone is trying to hold their child accountable or correct them for their unacceptable behavior.  Hmmm…

In my humble opinion I do sincerely believe that a good-ole’-fashioned village-community of those who you trust to do the right thing with the right intensions for your child is needed.  A show of solidarity amongst the adults in our respective communities in support of each-others judgment and demanding that our children respect adults and their elders is paramount.   This can definitely make the difference in our kids making this life “good” or our kids making this life GREAT!  I hope you choose to help them Make it GREAT!

It takes a village…  😉


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