Got a question for you today, “How’s that backpack of yours looking lately?”

At the end of our journey through this “life” thing we must make sure that our backpack is empty before we crossover to the other side. “Empty of what” you may ask? Well, empty of the gifts, talents and potential that was placed inside of us at birth.

You see, most people bumble and stumble their way through this “life” thing caught up in minutia and mundane meaningless movement in survival mode and they miss out on the opportunity to leverage their gifts and talents to make a positive impact in the lives of others and help our hurting humanity.

Yes that’s right my friends, many of us are destined to reach the end of our life’s journey only to hand over our backpacks still full of unrealized potential, unused talents and unopened gifts with the tags and wrapping paper still on them. I truly believe that one of the biggest tragedies this side of the universe is a life lived in the absence of the use of one’s God-given potential, so please don’t let this be you.

I invite you today to consider that we just might be the Tylenol for someone else’s headache, heartache and pain in this “life” thing. There’s a good chance that we just might be the miracle for that special someone or someone’s who are desperately waiting for us to step fully into the role of our gifts and talents to help inspire and encourage them to win.

Quite frankly, I believe that the use of our talents, gifts and story alone is meant to impact a select group of people on this great planet of ours so let’s NOT let them down, not in this life. Let’s recommit to be the exception to the unwritten rule that most people have unknowingly bought into. Let’s make sure that our backpacks are empty and void of any and all unused potential.

Let’s be the ones who invest a life-time in taking our unique gifts, talents and God-given potential and making it GREAT so that others might do the same.

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


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