You can pick your cars but you can’t pick your kids.  Good or bad, happy or sad, mad or glad, your kids will always be your kids.   Out of all those who complain about some of the members of their family, I’m not one of them.  I actually feel that I’ve been dealt a pretty good hand.  This little rag-tag team is full of personality and no two are alike, but they do have at least one thing in common,  they’re all dreamers. 

My assistant coach, Karen, is award-winning when it comes to keeping this team on task, including me.  After 18 years of being together, she still has not lost her fire and drive for making herself better in every way.  I’m pleased to say that I’m still her biggest fan.  Apart from each other we would struggle, but together we can’t be beat.  We have a habit of enjoying the moment because tomorrow is never promised and as adversity rears its’ ugly head, we prepare to dig in to overcome and become even stronger on the other side. 

Yes our team is indeed a force to be reckoned with and we continue to steamroll ahead as we fight to maintain our battered and scarred but still undefeated record.  Together we can not and will not lose.  Come what may for the day we are committed to remain a team and each player knows their roll and are getting better and better at living it out.  A well oiled machine we are with an occasional hiccup that resolves quickly like most great teams do.  We are committed to continue to bring our best to the table because it’s then and only then that the scoreboard becomes obsolete.

I challenge you today to make sure that your team is not just on the same page but also reading from the same book.  Formulate a game plan in advance so that steps for overcoming challenges and adversity will be already in place.  Also regular team meetings conducted at the dinner table to vent frustrations and concerns appear to prevent a lot of undue heartache, stress and strife.  Picking the right battles and not sweating the small stuff can make a BIG difference too.  And, always remember to never ever forget that we only get one time through this “life” thing and we don’t wont to experience “death by rules”.  Too many rules can squeeze the life out of life, so LIVE OUT LOUD!

Finally, don’t forget to have some pure, unscheduled, random, spontaneous, senseless, unadulterated, legal and ethical FUN!  We can all be more intentional about making this good life, GREAT, so let’s whip that team into shape and  Make it GREAT!


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