Just as the body builder who wants to be bigger and stronger has to increase his reps and weight, so too does the person who wants to be stronger and wiser have to seek wisdom and endure hardships and adversity.

Yes that’s right friends, for us to ‘be better’ and ‘do better’ we must ‘know better’ and the only way we can know better is if we’re not afraid to challenge ourselves and step outside of our comfort zones.

Comfort and predictability breed mediocrity and complacency.  So if we really want to be better and wiser we must commit to stay uncomfortable and be okay with unpredictable situations and circumstances.

Simply put, overcoming challenges leads to growth and during the process we gain wisdom.  This is a philosophy that I live by.  Anytime I feel a bit stuck or stagnant, I start to seek out new challenges and uncomfortable situations.

So I say to you today my friends, stay uncomfortable as you traverse this life and you’re sure to get a few steps closer to Making it GREAT!




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