I truly believe that the biggest misuse of time this side of the universe is someone going through their entire life having never connected their daily activity to their purpose. Connecting ones persona and passions with their soul’s purpose actually sets them up to eke-out the highest and best use of their human potential.

I continue to be baffled by the staggering number of people who dismiss this notion out-of-hand or conveniently excuse-it-away to make themselves feel better about their need to stay in their current path and situation.

Some may even find themselves taking a bit of offense when they read these words because they feel a bit convicted that these words may apply to them in some way. If this is you, I caution you NOT to let that inner voice that’s designed to protect your status quo convince you to stay in your current status if the status of your status quo needs to be changed. 🙂

There is a way for us to achieve this elusive alignment with our purpose and passion and as with any recovery, that way starts with us first acknowledging that an alignment is not only needed, but absolutely necessary.

Please don’t kill the messenger on this one today for I mean you nothing but good. Let’s make sure we’re taking steps daily to be in alignment with our true purpose and passions so we’re NOT just “making a living”, but we’re “living our making”. For I believe that when we’re on the right path with our purpose, the size of our steps don’t really matter, just as long as we keep moving forward.

This action will surely allow us to eke-out our highest and best use while we’re still above ground and breathing.

And always remember that it’s never too late to start Making it GREAT!




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