Don’t be “Too Busy” to read this Post today:

My observation of my group-home boys has afforded me the ability to witness first-hand the power of Association.  Each one of the boys entered the group-home system at no fault of their own and before entry each one of them could’ve been defined as “decent” kids.  But after entering the system they were exposed to the consistent, negative behaviors of the group and overtime they too have slowly assimilated and adopted the same negative behaviors.

This comes as no surprise to me because the Law of Association is an enormously powerful law that affects all of us.  The good news is that this law can also be leveraged for “Positive behavior” too.  A boy that grows up in the absence of an adult, positive male role-model in his life will have a dramatically increased chance of becoming the common denominator of his surrounding environment, good or bad.  But a boy who has that consistent male figure around to model the positive behavior will have a dramatically increased chance of growing up with some positive behaviors to withdraw from his mental memory bank as he gets older.

As a result, I’d like to issue a “Call to Action” for you positive male role-models out there.  Our country is littered with boys that are attempting to grow-up in the absence of men like you.  We can continue down this dangerous road and choose to turn a blind eye to the facts and harsh reality of the eventual outcome, or we can commit to do our part, however small it may be, to collectively pick up the slack in our respective neighborhoods and communities.

Our young men are constantly becoming victims of what I call the “Too Busy” Syndrome.  Our decision or in-decision to take action today will affect their decisions and in-decision and actions tomorrow.  Simply put, we can no longer afford to be “Too Busy”.  How will they ever learn appropriate male behaviors unless we model it for them?  Not shout it to them, but show it to them.  I’m not asking you to change the world, I’m just asking you to help shape and change theirs.

They need us now more than ever, so don’t let’em down.  These boys in need or closer to you than you probably realize and making a positive difference in their lives is both simple and easy.  They’re in your neighborhood, on your street, next door to you or maybe even inside your own home.  They’re quietly calling and counting on you to get this written message.  They need desperately for you to loan them that “time” stuff and include them in some of your activities with your family.  Don’t worry, they can repay you by paying it forward.

So what are you waiting for?  What are you prepared to do?  Today is not a good day to start, it’s a GREAT day to start.  Too Busy?  Well, that’s the convenient statement for “Most People”, but as we discussed in my Post yesterday, we’re not “Most People”.  Most people didn’t even read to this paragraph of my Post because they were probably “Too Busy”.  Hmmmm.  

Let’s be the exception on our journey through this “life” thing as we attempt to make it GREAT!  It doesn’t take a lot to do a whole lot.  Make it GREAT!


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