three scoops of ice creamI took this picture not long ago with my bride.  What’s the special occasion you may ask?  Well, this day was NOT our 16th wedding anniversary, that’s not until June, and no it’s NOT Karen’s 46th birthday, that’s not until July.  But today is just as special.  In fact, everyday is special because I have a special bride who accepts me in spite of all my faults, fallacies, habits and hang-ups.

I’m not one that uses the word “Lucky” often, but I have to honestly say that I definitely got lucky when our paths crossed and our worlds collided on that 28th day in the month of May.  It was the year of 1994 and days before OJ Simpson would have his infamous slow-speed chase down the notorious 405 Freeway in Los Angeles.  He was running away from the law and we were running away together.  I’m not sure if he did it or not, but I know I did it.  I sure did do it alright.  I got “LUCKY”!  I got lucky and found a diamond that was not in the rough.  I won’t bore you with the details, but talk about right place at the right time.

A good-ole Texas boy and an old fashioned “PK” (preachers kid), California girl meeting in the entertainment capital of the world.  It had all the distinct makings of a happenstance, chance meeting at a dimly-lit night club called “The Metz” on the Las Vegas Strip sandwiched in between the Great MGM Grand Hotel and a Fat Burger joint.  She was brought to my attention by my good friend Daren Castain, I took the plunge and rolled the dice and it came up Lucky #7.  I was probably the 7th guy that asked her to dance, but for some unknown reason she chose me and we’ve been dancing every since.

We became the exceptions to the rule of “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”  We happened in Vegas, but we didn’t stay in Vegas.  I may have lost in the game of Check-Mate at the casino but I won big in the game of Life-Mate at the club.  We started as good friends and grew into a great family and I find myself smiling big and often because of my Lucky take-home winnings from Vegas.  Yes today and everyday is indeed a special day because of my special gal, Karen Ice.

I invite you to reflect back on the story of your encounter with that special someone that’s in your life and revisit those feelings of excitement and romance regularly.  My good word today for you couples out there is to abandon not those things that brought you together in the beginning.  And, always remember that the perfect relationship is not without its’ imperfections.  The best of relationships require routine maintenance check-ups to make sure they continue to function at their optimum level.

So keep your fingers on the pulse of that relationship and be sure to stay close to that mate as you both attempt to make it GREAT!

After all these years I can honestly say that I’m still feeling Lucky.  LOL   🙂


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