Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Hey guys and gals I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder that we only get one time at this “Life” thing so let’s not just try to make it “Good”, let’s Make it absolutely GREAT!

From this day forward you now have unbridled permission to live like you’ve had a near-death experience. Use your good dishes. Sit on your fancy furniture. Go on that exotic trip you’ve been dreaming about. Start that non-profit you’ve been talking about. Run that marathon, etc, etc, etc… Sure some of this may cost you some money but money can be regained, however, the passing of time will always remain.

Yep that’s right my friends, we can make more money but we can never make more time. So make plans to Make it GREAT while you still can!


On this day at approximately this exact time 21 years ago I met this gal named Karen Ice in a night club on the Las Vegas Strip next to the Fat Burger and MGM Hotel.

She was a California PK (Preachers Kid) who’s eyes were as Ice-Blue as her last name and I was a good-ole’-fashioned 8-day-a-week church-going, Southern Pentecostal boy from Dallas, Texas. We had both been told that we would never find “the marrying type” in a club. Well, I’m glad we didn’t let that stop us from looking, LOL.

Truth be told, we weren’t actually looking at the time but as fate would have it, we stumbled into each other and are still here today disproving the old myth of “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”. A happenstance-chance-meeting I think not. God was actually up to something in that night club of all places, LOL…

Yes we happened in Vegas but didn’t stay. A good, clean, old-fashioned gal made an honest man out of me and I’ve been smiling every since. This gal is not only good “to me” but she’s also good “for me” and I’m not sure where I’d be or what I’d be without her.

Thanks Karen for NOT believing the lie of where you wouldn’t find the right guy. 😉

I just had to share……..
May 28th, 1994 @ approx. 10:15 pm (PST), the date of a match made in Heaven.


Was up late last night again and of course you know what that means. Yep, I created another short rhyme for those enduring some tough times. Enjoy….

Life can be so unkind at times and the nights can be so cruel,
When you and your inner-me inside are having a little duel.

But take heart my friends for you’re not alone for many have done the same,
When problems arise from bad decisions and pride and we have no one else to blame.

I’ve learned a secret many years ago that seems to get me through,
So listen up close and take good notes and I’ll gladly share it with you.

“This too shall pass,” is the phrase we say to get us through a rough day.
Then pray in silence requesting some guidance and soon everything will be Okay.

Then don’t be foolish to repeat the same mistakes over-and-over again.
Then the unkind life and late cruel nights will gradually come to an end.

So don’t let grief and regret become a threat by becoming your most prized possession,
Let go of the past-pain and the uncomfortable strain for it came to bring you a lesson.


I was tempted to cheat but I thought that it would be pretty ridiculous for me to cheat on a test that I created and expect others not to do the same. LOL… I’m an 8 but I used to be a 10. So, I guess I’m getting better. So what’s your score? And, don’t cheat, BE HONEST! 😉

Indeed we are all a “Work in Progress”.


I fell into some old, time-wasting, unproductive habits and lost a good portion of my time yesterday but today I will win again, PERIOD!

Yes my friends, truth be told we all have a proverbial “thorn or thorns” that can distract us and keep us in need of a little bit of grace and mercy from time-to-time and I’m definitely not foolish enough to pretend that I’m some type of exception. Yes indeed, to be perfectly honesty, sometimes I loss and sometimes I win.

The good news is that over the years I’ve gotten reallllly good at winning most of the time and I can put long distances of days, weeks, months and even years between some of my losses and I’m happy to say that although I may loss sometime, never am I defeated. Why? Well, it’s simply because being defeated means that you made a choice to stay in the “Loss”, and believe or not even NOT making a choice is actually making a choice.

Yes indeed my friends we will fall down in this “life” thing but we have to continue to make a conscious decision to get back up and run again to win. I’m convinced that our Creator delights in the comeback stories of our lives. So may my transparency today be a sign for you, You and each of YOU within eye-shot and ear-shot of my written words that to error is to be human and he or she who says otherwise or proclaims to be without flaws or hang-ups is two-kinds-of-crazy and three-kinds-of-foolish.

It’s ok that we may at times fall, drop, fail or flop. The thing that makes the difference is whether or not we stay in the setback. The great speaker Willie Jolley once said, “A Setback is just a setup for a comeback.” But, I think my friend Apostle Paul said it best when he wrote in my favorite book called “The Bible” his encouraging, reaffirming words hundreds of years ago to a group of people from Corinth to inspire and encourage them to boast all the more in their weaknesses for it is then that they can become stronger through the help of the one who created us all. (2 Corinthians 12: 7-10)

So, “GET BACK UP!” I say and get back into your race because someone is quietly counting on you to WIN much more than you loss! So, let’s keep pushing to Make it GREAT!!!

It’s a GREAT DAY to WIN again!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book