Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I was hanging out with my kiddos yesterday at one of our favorite conversation spots called Olive Garden and I made a comment about how nice they look on a daily basis. But not just their external features and great taste in clothes, but even more important than that, their hearts, their smarts and their respect for others being off the charts.

Then I told them, “If I was your age I would want to hang out with you.” Now naturally this caught them off guard so I followed it up by saying, “You guys would have a good influence on me and I would feel really good around you because you guys are really cool in a special kinda way.”

“Whattt… Now Dad that would just be weird.” they said as we all shared a hardy laugh together. But that moment got me to thinking and as a result, I have a quick question for you to ponder today. “If you were not ‘You’ would you want to hang out with “You”? Yep, this is one of those questions that makes you say “Hmmm…”

Give it some serious thought and be honest with yourself as you decide if some changes need to be made to make you more attractive to “You”. You may want to ask yourself :

“Do I gossip too much, complain too much, whine too much or blame too much?

Would I celebrate my coming around or just tolerate my presence with an uncomfortable frown?

Would I get on my own nerves and piss my own self off?”

Give it some thought and don’t forget to be brutally honest with yourself because the worst person you could ever tell a lie to is “You”. After all, if we wouldn’t want to be with ourselves, then how can we blame others for not wanting to hang around us either?

So, do you need to consider making some changes? No need to answer this question here, just make sure you’re crystal clear and consider these questions in the coming year.

Let’s Make it GREAT!


If you only attend one exciting event a year, make sure that event is “P.I.E. in the Sky”.

An event that’s designed for Adults and upper teens to be Inspired, Motivated, Encouraged and Educated. You don’t want to miss your opportunity to be a part of this amazing event that everyone’s talking about.

Tickets are on sale NOW for Black-Friday Weekend for just $15 until December 1st, then tickets are $19.95. So, get yours today and we’ll see you there.

Watch a short Trailer and get your tickets and more information here:

Event Date: January 26th, 2015
Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Location: DoubleTree Hotel (Rosedale & 99 Frwy)
City: Bakersfield, CA


BEWARE: Sometimes we humans may actually act like “humans” and actually make mistakes, some big and some not-so-big. So don’t be so quick to treat us humans like we’re something less than human when a bad decision or mistake is made. That’s why our Creator created what I call the G.M.F. Concepts and continues to show us how they work because He knows that we will have to continue utilizing them a lot over our lifetime if we want to make this life something special.

So what are these G.M.F. Concepts you may ask? Well, it’s quite simply Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness. Yes that’s right friends, these concepts are the cornerstone and reason for the continuation of even our very own existence. I’m so glad that our Creator is not as stingy as we are when it comes to utilizing these three amigos, because if He was, we would’ve been wiped off the face of the earth a loooong time ago. But we’re still here. Hmmm…

So don’t be surprised in the near future when your favorite human does something very human-like in the “mistake” or “bad-choice” category. Be prepared to utilize one of those notorious G.M.F. Concepts and keep leaning towards a better day. After all, we’re all just little humans trying to Make it GREAT!



I just started cutting back on my carbohydrate intake a few days ago and I’m suddenly reminded all over again that our body and mind will put up a vicious fight and mount an all-out war against us to maintain its status quo. A barrage of weapons including headaches, fatigue, irritability and constant cravings for sugar are being thrown at me from all angles and no time of day appears to be off limits.

No this battle is nothing new for me. I’ve seen it before and I remember what it took then and what it takes now to overcome and become what I desire to be. The illusive key to getting desired results was and always will be adopting a resolve to win the small battles against the body and mind one battle at a time and then victory in the war eventually will become yours.

Many have adopted this philosophy and made it their own and as a result they’ve achieved and received the results they desired and it should come as no surprise to know that “you can too”.

Yes my friends this is indeed a “You Can Too” story, in fact, this philosophy works for just about everything we do in this “life” thing. You see, our own human nature is to fall in love with the comfort of the status quo, even if it’s not so comfortable. So, in our quest for change in anything, beware because our most formidable foe may actually turn out to be our own mind and body fighting to maintain the status quo.

So commit today and you can have your way at Making “it” GREAT whatever “it” is for you.



Well, after over 20 years of being together, my wife and I are finally calling it Quits.

Quits on putting off our date-nights.
Quits on more “Me-time” than “We-time”.
Quits on ignoring each other’s Love-Language.
Quits on snappy words of correction and more words of affection.
And Finally, Quits on carrying a grudge & more spontaneous hugs.

Yes that’s right folks, there are some changes underway in the Crawford house-hold. We’re calling it “Quits” on continuing to turn a blind eye and saying a big “YES” to getting back to those little things that matter most and I’m getting more “Touch” and she’s getting more “Time” and that’s making my smile even bigger these days. 🙂

So, is it time for you and your special someone to call it “Quits” in this new season too? Hmmm… No need to answer out loud, just make us all proud and be different than the popular crowd.

Keep Making those relationships GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book