Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

One of the best ways to succeed at something in life is to first conduct an exploratory investigation to figure out why others have failed at it and then, quite simply, DON’T DO WHAT THEY DID! 🙂

That’s right my friends, some of the best lessons I’ve ever learned in this “life” thing have been the ones I learned from the failures and experiences of others. Sounds simple enough right? But you’d be surprised how complicated some tend to make this process as oftentimes it seems that they would prefer to try it out themselves.

So I invite you to consider the following unsolicited advice today. Don’t just seek-out ways to succeed, it can be equally as important to also pay close attention to why others have failed. Simply put, on the journey through the minefield of life, it may be a good idea to follow someone who knows where NOT to step. Make’s simple since to me. 😉

Let’s Make it GREAT!


A Friendly Reminder about my “Sometime’s Theory”:

Sometimes we have to slow down before we can speed up again.

Sometimes we have to shed a tear before we can once again cheer.

Sometimes we have to fall before we can stand tall.

Sometimes we have to take one on the chin before we can high-five again.

Sometimes we have to experience the pain, stress and strain before we can realize the gain.

Sometimes that which was once obscure will eventually become more clear if you make an effort to hear.

Sometimes the road will be hard before you get your success card.

Sometimes it has to hurt a bit before you can get over it.

Sometimes you have to take a step back before you can get back on track.

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same thing.

Sometimes that which makes you cry is the same thing that will eventually make you FLY!

Sometimes the things that once made you frown and feel down will eventually be the reason for you joyful sound.

And finally, Sometimes the things that you read will eventually help you to SUCCEED!

So keep turning the pages of those positive books and blogs and don’t be surprised when you start to see yourself consistently Making it GREAT!


My Blog:
My Book:
My Site:


Excitement is Building!!! The Crew is FIRED UP and ready for you!!!

“P.I.E. in the Sky” is going to be a BLAST!!!

Get those last minute advance tickets NOW @:


Contrary to popular opinion sometimes the grass is actually greener on the other side of the fence, but when you finally get over there to take a closer look you just might find that it’s actually Crabgrass. So don’t be so easily duped into thinking that things are better over “there” rather than over “here” because things aren’t always what they seem.

Always remember that wherever you go, there you are and things will never really change for you until “You” change. So you may want to consider playing an active role in developing a better “green thumb” and maintaining and sustaining the lawn you already have. Then, don’t be surprised if you find yourself Making it GREAT! 😉

Make it an AWESOME week and don’t forget to purchase your tickets to my “P.I.E. in the Sky” variety-show event scheduled for 6:30pm next Monday evening June 30th at the Double Tree Hotel right here in Bakersfield, CA: The experience just might change your life.
My Book:


HOPE: Having an Optimistic, Positive Expectation.

It’s hard to believe that such a small four letter word can carry so much weight, but it’s absolutely true. It’s said that without “Vision” the people will perish, and I’d like to add to that statement by saying that without “Hope” the people will have nothing to live for.

I’ve written several articles about the importance of Hope over the years and its significance is so strong that it definitely bears repeating as a reminder on a regular basis.

Hope and Despair have an inverse relationship. The more you have of one the less you have of the other. Simply put, being positive and optimistic about what’s possible for you keeps feelings of despair at bay.

Yes my friends Hope for something better for our family, friends and future is paramount and losing sight of this fact can plunge you into a darkness of dangerous depression and despair.

So I say to you today, “Keep your HOPE for a positive future alive so you can NOT just survive, but THRIVE!” This breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely lead you in the direction of Making it GREAT!

My Book:

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book