Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

It just dawned on me today that truth-be-told my faith and belief is pretty weak. This is true because the more I think about it, the more I realize that it requires much more faith to believe in a miraculous, awe-inspiring universe that was actually created by a “Big Bang” then believing in a Creator that had in mind what I would refer to as a “Big Thang”.

So, call me crazy if you must but I believe in a Creator that had a “Big Thang” in mind that created the “Big Bang” and it all started with a phrase similar to, “LET THERE BE LIGHT!”

Sounds a bit farfetched? Well, sorry my faith is just a little bit too weak to believe otherwise. 🙂 Just fyi…

Make it GREAT!


Excitement is Building!!! The Crew is FIRED UP and ready for you!!!

“P.I.E. in the Sky” is going to be a BLAST!!!

Get those last minute advance tickets NOW @:


One of the most Inspirational and Motivational books you ever read just might be the one you write about your own struggle. So if you haven’t already joined the club of content creators, I encourage you to start putting pen to paper and start leveraging your hurts, strains, struggles and pains for someone else’s gain.

Was asked by a friend the other day what are my top five most inspirational, educational, motivational books I’ve ever read and at the top of my list was my own book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT”. It’s definitely one that I’m finding increasingly harder and harder to put down.

It’s amazing what inspiration and answers you can find that already exist inside of yourself if you just make the time to tune-out so you can tune-in. Don’t wait to start making it GREAT!

My Book:


Tired of watching the mind-numbing TV that leaves you slightly entertained but void of any real gain?

Looking to be a part of something that can build you up and give you a shot of adrenalin for life again and your purpose and passion in it?

Are you open to being around a bunch of people that are positive, uplifting, encouraging and dream-driven, passion-pursuing, goal-getters with a heart for service? Then you definitely want to be at this event.

Created for Adults and Upper Teens, a night of Inspiration, Motivation, Education and maybe even Transformation awaits. Come join us and be a part of the Inaugural “P.I.E. in the Sky” variety-show-style event and find the “Why” for your “P.I.E.”

This is definitely a night that’s sure to be talked about for a long time.

Get your tickets NOW while their still available @:



A group of us “Good-4-Nothings” thought we’d do a little “Good” for “Nothing” (no $$$) in the community by hosting an event in the Martin Luther King Park on this Sunday (May 18th) evening from 5pm-6:30pm to brighten the day of what the “Good Book” refers to as “The Least of These”.

This is a GREAT opportunity to come out and Jam in the Park with us and let’s see if any of our Homeless Have Talent. Bring an instrument to play and bring something to give away to the homeless also if you can (ie, finger food, soda, water, clothes, blankets, etc, etc.)

This is also an AWESOME opportunity to model “goodwill” to your kids.

Inbox me or call me if you have questions. (661) 695-0034

We’d looooooove to see you there.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book