Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Surrounded by the Dallas Housing Project, this 12-year-old guy pictured here wearing his favorite brown sweater had to overcome a few struggles early-on in his young life.  Poverty, drugs and violence was common-place and being ready to defend himself against would-be attackers, drug-dealers and neighborhood bullies was the norm.

Nevertheless in spite of it all, this little guy was still able to maintain his big, toothy signature smile.  At least on the outside that is, but, on the inside he considered himself at somewhat of a disadvantage because of his struggles in his life as compared to others who did not have to endure the same.

Never did he consider himself to be the cutest, smartest, biggest, strongest or fastest in his group but pleasing people and making others smile was something that gave him the necessary drive and energy to get him through the day.

His daily situations and circumstances caused him to also struggle in the mental area of questioning whether or not big things were possible for him.  He had big goals and dreams but his outside environment was putting a significant strain on his belief in those big goals and dreams.

But the good news is that this little guy didn’t stay little for long.  As we all must do eventually one day, he grew up to become a man.  Over the years of his development he started to pick up little positive tools, and small tips and techniques and takeaways.  He started to engage in the practice of reading good books about overcoming struggle and listening to good speakers talking about what it takes to extricate oneself from “stinking thinking”.

He started to attend and participate in different events that were designed to make him better in everyway.  And, most importantly he started to hang around positive people who were dream-driven, passion-pursuing, goal-getters on a mission to better themselves.

As a result, he started to adopt some new philosophies and principles that helped him to see and believe that his stress, strain, struggle and pain as a youth was not a disadvantage at all.  But to the contrary, it was an advantage that was equipping him and setting him up to be the guy he needed to be to succeed in a big way by overcoming the struggles of his life that he would have to face as an adult.

This new-found philosophy set him on a course that would ultimately lead him to making those goals and dreams of his come true, and now his life’s mission and passion is to help others find their life’s mission and passion and to Make it GREAT!

No, special he is not, but similar he is to so many who have had to endure and overcome hardships and he’s here today to say that his story is definitely one of “You Can Too…”  Yes my friends far and near please lend an ear and understand that it’s not where you come from that’s most important, it’s where you’re going that rules the day.

He would like to encourage you today to set your course to where you want to be and what you want to see and leverage your checkered past of struggle and strain and be prepared to overcome and endure until you WIN.  And never forget to Make it GREAT!!!

Oh, by the way that little 12-year-old boy was me.  😉

Make your weekend GREAT!!!


Have a good night sleep Monique.  Dream a big dream then wake up and make that dream come true,” I said to my daughter a few nights ago.  “Dad, I had a dream last night that I was kidnapped and I definitely don’t want that dream to come true,” she said.  “Well Monique, don’t let the memory of your last bad dream bully you into a mindset of never wanting to sleep again.”  I said with a smile… She was speechless…

This short, benign conversation got me to thinking about a harsh reality uncovered and discovered.  In this life so many people are guilty of failing at something and then allowing the memory of their failure to bully them into seeking a corner of comfort and safety never to take risk again.  Don’t let this be you.

Yes, I’m sure Monique’s dream was probably scary for her, but I can assure you that she continues to brave the act of going back to sleep every night in spite of what happened in the past.  So too should you as it relates to continuing to take reasonable risk and trying to better your lot in this thing called “life”.

So rather it’s a failed marriage, relationship, business venture or a bad choice, I encourage you to get back up and get-on back out there and continue in your tireless efforts to Make it GREAT!


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I was just recently talking to a good friend of mine about how it appears lately that shady characters with dubious credentials appear to be popping up all over the place doing dirty deals and scheming and scamming all in the name of making a fast buck.

As I see this happening, it’s caused me to reflect on the fact that even though I grew up in a family that was surrounded by scarcity and struggle, my parents never once compromised their integrity in an attempt to gain abundance.  It wasn’t because they didn’t have the opportunities to engage in such behavior.  It was because they stood on a set of principles that were not only expressed in the “good book”, but was walked-out and lived-out in the actions of their daily activities.

A Great parent is not the one who compromises their integrity and good name to provide their kids with “loot” and “things”, a Great parent is the one who stands firm on solid principles, morals and ethics and gives their kids “roots” and “wings”.

Yes my friends, our kids won’t always be kids.  They eventually grow up and will formulate an opinion about us and who we were and what we modeled to them in their lives and formative years.

So what opinion are your kids forming about you?  What actions are you modeling to them on your daily basis?  What blueprint are you etching into their mental psyche about how to deal with life’s troubles and struggles?  Hmmm…

Roots & Wings or Loot & Things?

Love & Kindness or Complaints & Whininess?

Honor & Grace or Disrespect & Distaste?

To follow Passion & Dreams or To Connive & Scheme?

To look out for your fellowman or To create a selfish, greedy plan?

Yes your actions or inactions are indeed paramount in not just your own life, but even more-so in the lives of those who look-up to you for guidance and direction.  So pay close attention to those things you do because other eyes are looking at you.  May they catch you trying to honorably Make it GREAT!


So how’s your scoreboard looking these days?  You know, that scoreboard of life that we all have.  Are you “RAK’n” up the points with your Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) lately?  Or, are you being penalized like crazy by engaging in joy-stealing, reckless, self-centered behavior?

It appears to me that lately more-and-more people are living their life as if they’re unaware that there’s a “Life-Scoreboard” that’s keeping an accurate, detailed record of our ‘good’ and ‘not-so-good’.  The BBF Syndrome (Bitterness, Burnout & Frustration) appears to be driving some people out of their positive mind.

Episodes of rude, crude and just plain-ole’ mean behavior can be seen around almost every corner these days and I know I’m not the only one that’s witnessing it.

Honestly, I saw something two days ago on Sunday that made me want to scream “WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING LADY, DON’T YOU KNOW YOU’RE LOSING LIFE POINTS BY DOING THAT!  UGHHH!!!”  And to top-it-off, the woman was dressed in her ‘Sundays Best’ clothing fresh out of somebody’s church service when she did it.  I really wanted to throw a brick at her with the word “Jesus” on it to remind her of who she’s representing.  But if I did that, I would then end up losing some life-points myself.  🙂

So, instead I thought I’d write this post to remind us all to “RAK” up some life-points when interacting with our fellowmen and women instead of being rude, crude and just a plain-ole’ meany-head.

Please help me spread this good word so we can all start trying to Make this ‘life’ thing Fantabulous!


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Make it Great Volume 2 Book