Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Spoke at a “Dine-in-the-Dark” event last night and asked the question, “Does NOT having physical sight have anything to do with our ability to be able to stay focused on our biggest goals and dreams”?

Well the answer is, absolutely NOT…  In fact our physical eye sight may even be more of a distraction than a help to us when it comes to the ability to stay focused on our goals and dreams.  It was Helen Keller who once said that what’s worse than having no sight is having no Vision, and yes she was exactly right.

If we have no vision for what’s possible for us, we’re doomed to just stumble our way through this life as if we’re physically blind.  I encourage you today to not let that be your fate.

Get clear on your goals and have a vision of what’s possible for you and don’t let your physical eye sight be distracted by the noise and chaos and shiny objects all around you.  Stay focused in the days ahead and by all means make a point to make this “life” thing GREAT!

Yes, Dining in the Dark was a challenge, but nothing like the challenge that life has for us all who dare to try to Make it GREAT!  So, let’s go Make it GREAT!



The only “growing” in this life that requires absolutely no effort whatsoever is the act of growing-old, however, the act of growing-up is a choice.

That’s right folks, we all must eventually wrinkle, grey and wither away, but maturing along the way is totally optional.

Rudeness, crudeness and self-centered, blatant disregard for our fellowman should be something that never follows us into adulthood as we grow old, but for those who this shoe fits, beware because what goes-around comes-around and negative behavior has a way of attracting negative results.

To that end, I was at Costco yesterday and an elderly woman in a grey colored, four-door sedan was waiting patiently at the end of a parking aisle for another vehicle to back out.  After the vehicle had successfully pulled out of the parking space, another small white compact car came quickly whipping around the corner doing a complete u-turn maneuver and sliced right in front of the grey car narrowly missing a collision and slid into the open parking space.

HONK! HONK! HONK!!!!!” was the sound from the grey sedan in an effort to get the other drivers attention, but the female driver in the white car completely ignored the other driver.  Dozens of people in the front of the store witnessed the incident and were in awe of such blatantly rude behavior from an adult woman with kids.

I must admit that my curiosity got the best of me, so I hung around and watched as the young female driver in the white car quickly exited her vehicle and retrieved her two kids who appeared to be under four-years-old and hurried into the store to the dismay of all the onlookers not once making eye contact or even acknowledging the elderly woman in the grey sedan.

As fate would have it, minutes later I was in line in the food court area with my kids and we just-so-happened to be standing right next to the white car lady.

Hey Dad, that’s the mean lady that just stole that woman’s parking spot,” whispered my 11-year-old son Chance.  “I guess she was just in a hurry to eat…” he said.  We shared a quick little laugh then we overheard the cashier tell the woman that the pizza that she said she ordered 45 minutes ago was not ready because they didn’t have a ticket for it and she would have to wait.  Oooops…  😉

Now that’s Karma for you…” said little Chance.  “Poetic justice…” I added.

I must admit that it never ceases to amaze me the type of callous, self-centered behavior that I see grown, adult people perpetrate against others.  That love and kindness stuff that we try to teach to our kids and talk about at our churches, temples, synagogues, mosque, grand cathedrals and sacred sanctuaries is not meant to stay within the four walls.  It’s meant to be lived-out in our day-to-day lives.  Only a special kind of fool would dare model such flagrantly disrespectful behavior in front of our youth then ask in return that they behave otherwise.  Hmmm…

I think that I speak for all of those who feel as I do when I say these words today, “GROW UP!”  Love and Kindness starts with one person at a time, one day at a time, so please commit today to do your part and be the exception to the madness so we can Make it GREAT together.




Gossip Groupies and Drama Dragons can oftentimes be found trolling the deep waters of our wacky world looking to drop lines of tantalizing conversation in an attempt to fish for those who would join their ranks of criticizing, complaining and condemning others, but the well-informed fish recognize their hooks of hopelessness and don’t bite.

That’s right my friends, a fortunate few of us understand that no good can ever come from idle chatter and hateful rhetoric that’s meant to tear others down.  So it has become easy for us to recognize this phenomenon in others and manage to steer clear of the dangerous hooks of such conversations.

I caution you in the days ahead to be on the lookout for the fish-hooks of those would-be Gossip Groupies and Drama Dragons attempting to ensnare you and bring you into their fold of fruitless, damaging conversation.  Resist this at all cost and continue in your attempt to plant positive, affirming flowers where they’re trying to get negative, damning weeds to grow.

There’s a shortage of our type in the world and we need you to step up now more than ever to help counter act this epidemic of malignant verbal action.

So can we count on you to do your part?  You don’t have to answer out loud or raise your hand, just hear this message and understand and make your plan to take a stand.  Let’s continue in our noble efforts to make it GREAT!     DON’T BITE!!!




I was chatting with my good friend Caren a few days ago and after asking her how she was doing, her response was, “I’m giving ‘me’ back to ‘me’…”  Naturally this statement caught me off guard so I then asked for a bit of clarification and she said, “I’ve finally decided to give myself permission to be myself again.”

You see, Caren is just emerging on the other side of a recent struggle that almost convinced her to take herself out of the game of life.  She stated that life’s mounting problems in concert with prescribed medications was a cocktail combination for disaster that was leading her down a road of quiet desperation and possible self-destruction.

The constant subtle pressure to be someone she wasn’t coupled with a classic case of treating the symptoms and not the problems in her life and health was setting her up to be claimed as yet another victim of depression.  And, the worst part was that she didn’t even see it coming.

As weird as it may sound, I can’t say that I was surprised by her story.  You see, as it relates to depression, so often is the case where we become the most vulnerable is when we think that it can’t happen to us, and Caren was no exception.  “I never thought I could ever make it to a point of such extreme in my life, but thank God for good friends who show up at the right time,” she says.  As it turns out, this friend wasn’t afraid to be nosey and get involved and it ultimately saved her life.

Yes Caren is one of the fortunate few that managed to escape and is now completely okay with telling her story of survival.  When asked how would she advise others who are going through the fire of life with similar challenges, she said, “Even the most level-headed person in the world is not immune to the death-grip of depression and medication.  So listen to your friends if they’re recognizing signs and changes in your behavior that you may not be aware of and get proper helpI’m giving ‘me’ back to ‘me’ and I’ll be careful not to let this happen to me again in the future.

Well said Caren…  I’m not sure where her road of life will take her, but being on the right path makes the size of her steps obsolete.  Just keep-on moving forward.

I invite you all to take heed to this unsolicited advice and just keep-on moving forward on your path to Making this ‘good’ life GREAT!



Think you’ve got big problems?  Well, try getting nine of your good friends together and all of you write down your biggest problems or concerns and throw them into a hat.  Then shake the hat up real good and reach in and pick out a problem to adopt as your own.  The chances are after seeing the problem you get you’ll probably want to trade up for your own original problem back.

Yes my friends, I’ve always said that if you don’t have any problems in life, you’ve got a huge problem in life.  Problems are just a part of life and if we’re not careful those problems can make us say “Uncle” and give up on our most important goals and dreams.

Don’t let life’s problems, adversity, troubles and struggles choke your dreams and passion out of you.  Understand that your problems today are necessary for you to become better tomorrow.  So hang in there and continue to overcome one day and one problem at a time and you’ll be just fine.

Keep leaning forward and continue in your efforts to Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book