Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The ONLY true Failures in our life are when we Fail to learn from the Failures in our life.
The ONLY true Loss is when we didn’t give it our Best.
And, the ONLY true Defeat is when we accept being Defeated never to try again.

That’s right my friends this life-thing has revealed to me that the bark of Failure, Loss & Defeat are far worse than their bite. So, make a point to learn from your Failures, always give it your BEST and when feeling defeated always pick yourself back up to try again. This is indeed an invaluable Bread Crumb that can lead us all on the path to Making it GREAT!!!

GREAT DAY Young Grasshoppers!!!

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Just in case you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to actually embrace change, I created this visual for you.

It’s NOT always a change of venue that matters most, it’s at first a change within you.

So, EMBRACE THAT CHANGE I say and Make it GREAT!!!

Make it a Fantastically Fabulous Friday no matter what others say or display Young Grasshoppers!



I’ve heard the toughest assassin to stop is the one who’s willing to sacrifice his own life in exchange for getting his kill. This type of commitment level places “Failure” in the “Not an Option” category and dramatically increase ones chances of success.

My prayer for you this year is in pursuit of that worthwhile goal or dream in 2017, may you have the commitment of a suicide assassin until you WIN?

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


I’ve been asked by many over the past few days if I could share a few words about the state of our beloved country post-election. So reluctantly, here goes:

Would it surprise you if I told you that one of the most successful war tactics known to man is “division”? Well, don’t be surprised because it’s absolutely true. Divide & Conquer is an enduring phrase that has been echoed down through the years by those who’ve been in battle against someone or something. Yes my friends, division causes collision no doubt and a divided country/house/people or anything makes that “thing” more vulnerable to opposition and it will never thrive or survive or stay alive.

To that end, it appears that once again we find ourselves at a familiar conflictive crossroads divided as a nation following another election for a new president. I sincerely believe that one of the most precious freedoms we enjoy in this country is actually “freedom” itself. Freedom to choose who we want to lead us and not deceive us, and with this freedom come’s a duty and responsibility to accept the will of the people determined by a fair and equitable process.

It’s fair to say that the democratic system of government in our country can guarantee that we as individuals regardless of party affiliation won’t always get our way and the need to concede and accept choices & outcomes other than what we desire will always be necessary from time-to-time. So, as the leading country in this wacky world of ours, let’s also be willing to lead and model to the rest of the world how we make our collective decision to unite and prevent a division or subsequent collision.

Even the birds of nature understand that they can fly 75% further together in formation so we should once again take a hint from nature and prevent our country from falling victim to the deadly “divide & conquer” war tactic. Yes we can once again survive and thrive by putting our differences aside in every state to Make it GREAT!

So, let’s choose to Make it GREAT!!!

GREAT DAY is Underway!!!

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This life has shown me that the three toughest things to say in the English language are, “I’m sorry, Forgive me & I was wrong.”

Yes that’s right my friends, these three phrases may be short in length but are long on intimidation. Maybe it’s because saying these words can make us feel vulnerable or somehow suggest that we’re weak or inept.

Well, whatever the case, I think that we can all agree that these words are grossly underused nowadays and the world could sure benefit from a substantial increase of their usage.

To that end, I’ll go first… I’m sorry, please forgive me because I was wrong. Ahhh… The pleasant surprise is that these words can actually make the person saying them feel a sense of relief and liberation. So, don’t be afraid to try it sometime. This is definitely a valuable Breadcrumb to Making it GREAT!


And, of course it’s always Ok to share if you dare.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book