Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

As I look around and continue to take this world in I oftentimes find myself feeling like I need to call CPS (Child Protective Services) on a lot of adults that I come into contact with in my line of business as a Peak Performance Specialist and Personal Development Coach, but not for the reasons you may normally think.

I need to notify CPS because I’ve noticed that many people’s inner-child is constantly being abused and neglected by their outer-adult. I know this may sound a bit strange but trust me, our inner-child usually knows best when it comes to our true inner-most passions.

Think back to the time as a child when you didn’t have a care or concern in the world and you were free to really dream and imagine and explore and create without fear of failure, folly or ridicule from others. In fact at times we may have even been applauded and encouraged by the adults in our life. Then somewhere along the path to adulthood ourselves we started to suppress and repress the inner-connection of our true passions experienced firsthand at the young, tender age of our inner-child.

So to that end, I’d like to encourage you today to stop neglecting that inner-child of yours or I just might have to call CPS. 😉 Don’t be afraid to let that inner-child version of you re-emerge and lead the way to uncovery and discovery in the area of your true passion so you can get to making it GREAT!

It worked for me. 🙂



So, were you there or did you miss it?

If this video doesn’t make your heart beat a little bit faster with excitement and peak your curiosity you’re stuck in an anti-excitement warp.


“P.I.E. in the Sky” is an event that’s destined to become a household name when it comes to making an impact in the area of one’s passion and purpose.

P.I.E. is a formula and 4-Step Process that takes you from discovering your Passion to developing Ideas to creating your Excellence and Serving it up to the world.

A concept birthed by Cedric Crawford, aka, to help others carve-out their piece of pie in service to our hurting humanity.

Next event date TBA coming soon this January 2015, so stay tuned……


I’ve been thinking lately about a clear and present danger and threat to our national security that exist right here in our society that appears to be flying under the radar of the general public’s detection. Its mere existence and affects may even appear to be benign and ever-so-subtle on the surface, but the results if left unchecked can be as malignant as they come.

If you look closely you can even see remnants and evidence of the residual effects and fallout in the common areas and places and spaces of our society as we go about our day-to-day lives interacting with people. So what is this juggernaut-of-a-phenomena that could quite possibly unravel the very fabric of our great nation right under our very noses?

Well, it’s quite simply the poor education and mental de-socialization of our next generation and our society’s proliferation of more-and-more people coming out of school chasing the all-mighty-dollar rather than pursing an area of their gifts, talents and passions.

Our ability to challenge our youth and spark their creative juices in the respective areas of their gifts and passions should always be our main objective. After all, it’s the ingenuity of creative minds and innovation and invention in the area of people’s passion that has been the driving force behind the success of our great nation.

The unbridled ability of our youth to dream a Big dream and have the courage to pursue that dream with a tenacity that says “I will until” has been paramount in our journey as a superpower-nation.
Yes our national security may be under direct attack from within, but we can turn it all around and keep our country secure and lead it back to greatness once again and it all starts in our own home.

Yes that’s right my friends, we can engage our youth, challenge their intellect, raise the bar on our expectations of them and stimulate their mind. We can help them to identify their gifts, strengths and passions, then push and prod them in the direction of growing their gifts to their full potential. This definitely would be a positive step in the direction of making our country great once again. Let’s all choose to Make it GREAT!


For those of you who are still confused, the results are finally in and I just created a caption for you to share with others who may need a little confirmation. 🙂

“In the case of the newborn baby Jesus. God, you ARE the father.”

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Would it surprise you if I told you that “resistance” is an indispensable factor of life? Even the greatest of airplanes could never reach for the sky and achieve flight in the absence of the resistance created by the air around it.

Well, just as this is true it’s also true that we humans need a bit of resistance and adversity around us in our lives in order for us to grow and thrive. That’s right my friends, resistance is absolutely necessary for us to achieve anything worthwhile, with emphasis on the words “worthwhile”.

So as a result, if we’re not encountering any resistance on our “worthwhile” journey in this “life” thing, then it may be a good sign that our desired goal just might not be worth our while. Hmmm… Just a short fyi for you today in hopes that you will realize and embrace the role of resistance and continue in your efforts to make this “good” life GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book