Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Got ProblemsThe interesting thing that I’ve found out about life is that, if you don’t have some occasional problems, you’ve got a huge problem because the very essence of life itself is rooted in the ups and downs and the gains and the strains. Hmmm…

Just a little breadcrumb, food-4-thought for you to continue to make it GREAT! Enjoy…

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Cedric Crawford Banner-3Tune-in daily and get your FREE dose of Inspiration, Motivation and Education and watch your new Transformation. We only get one time through this “life” thing, so let’s make it GREAT!

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Lifes not always fairBeing a devoted father of four I’ve discovered over the years that one of the worst things we can do to our kids as parents is to paint them a rose-colored picture of life.

I feel that one of the biggest disservices we could ever exact upon our kids is to lead them to believe life is fair.  We must not make the classic mistake of attempting to shield and safeguard them against failure, loss and adversity.  There are huge, invaluable lessons and messages in those challenges, and avoiding them places our kids at a significant disadvantage out the starting gate of life.

Simply put, we should not attempt to adjust the road of life for our kids, we should equip our kids to handle the road of life.  Our daily prayer for our kids should be, “Lord, please protect our little ones through all hurt, harm, danger and adversity and when they fall, please give them the strength to rise, recover and realize the lesson in it all.”

This type of prayer acknowledges that we understand that challenges are a way of life and without them we can not grow.  No doubt this is a good breadcrumb to making it great.  So, let’s make it GREAT!


Order my book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” today and see what you’ve been missing.  Personal Development at it’s very best guaranteed.

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Life - The Master GuruExperience will teach you a lot better than I can ever tell you.” is a common phrase that I often tell my kids with a smile.  Yes, I’ve discovered that the most effective Guru, Mater-Teacher this side of the universe is ‘Life’ itself.  But, learning from the life experiences of others is just plain-ole smart.

I invite you to consider opening a book or two from time-to-time to get some plain-ole smarts from those pages of wisdom.

Let’s keep making it GREAT!

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Whats Focused on MostOver my lifetime I’ve uncovered and discovered many truths from my many experiences, but few were more powerful than the realization of what’s focused on the most develops in the host.

Simply put, what we choose to focus on the most, whether negative or positive, will eventually manifest in our lives.

So, I invite you to consider watching where you choose to focus your time, talents, thoughts and energy in the days ahead.

Keep leaning forward this week and continue in your noble efforts to make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book