Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Is the fast pace of the human race causing you to break a sweat these days?  Is trying to keep up with the “Jones’s” starting to take its toll on your stress level yet?  Do you feel like you’re just one more negative comment away from totally going postal on someone?

Well if this shoe fits, I’d like to encourage you today to stay-in-control.  The worst thing you can do is give your external environment the power to determine your state of mind and manipulate you into feeling funky and stinking thinking.  Sure it’s true that we can’t control what happens around us, but we can absolutely control how we respond and react to those things that happen around us.

So I encourage you to choose to keep your power and control in the coming days and this is sure to increase your chances of making it GREAT!   🙂


I was just recently talking to a good friend of mine about how it appears lately that shady characters with dubious credentials appear to be popping up all over the place doing dirty deals and scheming and scamming all in the name of making a fast buck.

As I see this happening, it’s caused me to reflect on the fact that even though I grew up in a family that was surrounded by scarcity and struggle, my parents never once compromised their integrity in an attempt to gain abundance.  It wasn’t because they didn’t have the opportunities to engage in such behavior.  It was because they stood on a set of principles that were not only expressed in the “good book”, but was walked-out and lived-out in the actions of their daily activities.

A Great parent is not the one who compromises their integrity and good name to provide their kids with “loot” and “things”, a Great parent is the one who stands firm on solid principles, morals and ethics and gives their kids “roots” and “wings”.

Yes my friends, our kids won’t always be kids.  They eventually grow up and will formulate an opinion about us and who we were and what we modeled to them in their lives and formative years.

So what opinion are your kids forming about you?  What actions are you modeling to them on your daily basis?  What blueprint are you etching into their mental psyche about how to deal with life’s troubles and struggles?  Hmmm…

Roots & Wings or Loot & Things?

Love & Kindness or Complaints & Whininess?

Honor & Grace or Disrespect & Distaste?

To follow Passion & Dreams or To Connive & Scheme?

To look out for your fellowman or To create a selfish, greedy plan?

Yes your actions or inactions are indeed paramount in not just your own life, but even more-so in the lives of those who look-up to you for guidance and direction.  So pay close attention to those things you do because other eyes are looking at you.  May they catch you trying to honorably Make it GREAT!


MC3 is what I call them, Monique, Cedric Jr, Chance and Chayse.  One thing we will never be found guilty of is taking this “life” thing too serious.  Nothing makes me smile bigger than when I see them enjoying life.  Growing up in a home where they feel secure and free to express themselves is priority #1 for me and their daily actions tell me that I’ve got it right.

I’m often tempted at times to stop and ‘thank my lucky stars’, but I then quickly realize that the stars have absolutely nothing to do with my good fortune but the thanks goes to the one who created me and then entrusted me with these four souls to mold.

The perfect balance between serious and silly definitely exist in this household and dull moments are rare.  Yes I’m no different than any other proud parent of four and I’m super-excited about seeing what the future holds for each of them.  Ages ranging from 9 to 19 keeps me pretty busy and pretty broke with a popular theme song called “Money, Money, Money, Moneyyyy” playing in the background but somehow we manage to make it work everyday of the week and twice on Sunday’s.

Passion, Purpose and Perseverance are words used almost on a daily basis and “Why settle for average when we can Make it GREAT” is not just a slogan, it’s our way of life.

The most special thing about MC3 is that they all realize that they’re not “special”, they’re similar to the Average Joe, but they understand that what makes the difference is what they ‘know’.  No I’m not sure what choices they’ll make in their future, but I am sure that their choices will make their future.

Be sure to echo the same to your little-ones and encourage them to continue to increase what they know, make great choices and Make it GREAT because it’s never too late.  Oh, and don’t be afraid to be a little silly sometime.

Make it GREAT!!!

Order My book today and get on your way:


The big Dreaded “D” has been spotted again recently on a rampage seeking to destroy more lives as usual.  This Dreaded “D” is no respecter of persons and it is completely reckless in its disregard for human life.  In fact its “MO” (motives of operation) is to ultimately take the life of the host that it resides in.

The Dreaded “D” has been with us since the beginning of time and no doubt it will always be with us to the end of time.  It manages to do its best work in the dark corners of our life when the curtains and the doors are all closed.  Free time and the absence of good friends and family also appears to open the door for it to flourish and gain momentum.

Many over the years have attempted to control it with alcohol or drugs or other addicting, habit-forming, negative, self-medicating behavior but these actions only appear to feed its appetite for destruction even more.

Some have attempted to tame it, blame it, rename it or disclaim it, but in the end it remains unchanged.  Yes my friends this Dreaded “D” has developed a nasty reputation for unbridled damage and destruction over the years.

So what is this Dreaded “D” you may ask?  Well, it’s simply called “Depression”.  Yep, chances are you’ve come into contact with it a time-or-two yourself over the years.  Some of you may even be going through the fire of that Dreaded “D” right now.  This 10 letter word has been known to wreak 10 times as much havoc on the lives of people than just about any other phenomenon.

The reason for its success over the years is because it’s quiet and sneaky.  It has an uncanny way of sneaking and creeping its way into the lives of unsuspecting individuals in crisis or transition and then refuses to leave without a nasty fight leaving undesirable aftermath in its wake.

But take heart my friends for the kryptonite for the Dreaded “D” is the Profound “P’s”.   “Passion” and “Purpose” in action does it every time.  So find that thing that fires you up about life and create a plan and purpose to pour it into the lives of others and watch that Dreaded “D” slowly flee and lose its foothold.

This breadcrumb of wisdom can surely make the difference between you Making it GREAT or just barely making it at all.  So let’s go Make it GREAT!

Order My book today and see why so many keep it next to their bed:


Only a fool would pray a prayer of, “Oh Lord, please forgive me and show me a little grace and mercy for not being able to forgive others and show them a little grace and mercy.”

That’s right folks, as ridiculous as this prayer sounds, no one in their righteous mind would ever dare pray these words, but oftentimes our actions suggest that we harbor this notion.

Our ability to forgive others who have wronged us and exercise a little unearned grace and undeserved mercy is what separates the ‘good’ from the GREAT.

The years have taught me that these three words are much easier to say than to actually put into practice on a regular basis.  But those who are able to master these three powerful elements will soon find themselves transcending to a whole new level of existence.

Yes my friends, mastering F.M.G. (Forgiveness, Mercy & Grace) is the key that can set you free and even increase your lease on life.  Free from what you might ask?  Well free from harboring anger, resentment and strife, for a life that’s void of these three hurtful things is sure to experience an increase.  Don’t believe me, try it out for yourself.  It definitely can’t hurt.  Hmmm…

This is definitely a little-known, vital breadcrumb of wisdom that can lead you to Making it GREAT!

Mastering F.M.G. is the Key……..  You’ll See……

Let’s Make it GREAT…..

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book