Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The most compelling dreams of our life’s purpose aren’t always the ones we see when we’re sleeping, they’re often times the one’s that actually keep us from getting any sleep. That’s right folks our Creator would not give us a dream that is not both capable of being accomplished by us and capable of keeping us awake at night.

So think it NOT strange when/if you’re feeling like you’re being haunted by a dream of doing something that can make a significant impact in the world surrounding you. If not you then who, if not now then when, if not here then where and if NOT for this cause then WHAT other would be more worthy of your best efforts?!

I invite you to consider this written message as your final affirmation. A group of unknown people are anxiously waiting for you to do what you know you should do to help them get through so don’t let’em down, not in this life. Now get-on out there and squeeze the juice out of that dormant dream and Make it GREAT!!!


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The ONLY thing that’s more powerful than brute & might is truth & what’s right. So we must be prepared to stand strong against injustice and wrong and not just turn a blind eye and carry-on even if we have to set the tone by standing alone.

This little breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely lead us all to making this “good” life, GREAT! So, let’s NOT wait to start to do our part as we follow our heart.

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Just as the Greatest Teachers are Great at making their students Great, so too are the Greatest Leaders are Great at making other Leaders Great. The common denominator here is that both are focused on delivering selfless service.

I invite you to consider adopting this philosophy as your own as you attempt to help others eek out their Greatness. Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


Life doesn’t respond to our plead for our needs,
It responds to we deserve because we’ve served.
So, let’s get to work!


Have you ever had the time of your life just by sitting and watching other people have the time of their lives? Well, this is most likely because laughter and the euphoria of happiness are highly infectious and contagious. Yes that’s right my friends, if you stand too close to splashing water you’re bound to get a little wet.

So if you find yourself in a state of depression or NOT feeling good, just go hang around some people who are feeling good and having fun and watch the contagion work its magic. Just call it an “Intentional Infection”.

This little breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely help you make this “good” life, GREAT!

So let’s choose to Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book