Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

So I tell my wife this morning, “We’re going to co-author a book together.”  Then she says, “Not today honey, I’ve got a headache.”  LOL…  Her quick wit is one of the many things that keeps me coming back for more.  After 18 years of courtship and marriage we still manage to make it work.

I met a new acquaintance at a Christmas Party a few days ago that expressed to me a concern about authors and therapist.  She asked the question, “Is it true that their relationships really are as good as they make them out to be?”  After a couple of seconds of thought, I simple told her that I can’t speak for all however I can speak for me and my wife. More »


You’re invited to a night to make it GREAT!

This Winter 2013 will be a first-of-its-kind event that is guaranteed to Inspire, Motivate, Empower and Educate you and your crew.

Tickets will be available soon with a list of more details (date, time, place, etc.)  All to support a cause bigger than ourselves.  THIS EVENT WILL SALE OUT!!!

This is an event you will be talking about for a long time.  You won’t want to miss this one.  You’re sure to leave being glad you came and experienced it all first hand.

More to come soon….. 


No one of us is better than the sum of us.  Together we can do exceedingly more than we could ever do apart.  Greatness is never accomplished by one man or woman alone.

I’m sooooo grateful for the people that have been strategically placed around me on this awesome life journey to something that matters.  Their role, whether small or big, makes what I do possible and to them I say one big THANK YOU!!!

Many, Many more projects in the works that are designed to benefit all those who dare to push toward being better today than they were yesterday.

Order the book Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT today and join the masses that have taken the plunge in the direction of developing themselves daily by one breadcrumb at a time. 


A little breadcrumb of food-4-thought for you today.  Chew on it a bit as you continue in your efforts to Make it GREAT!

The Book: 


So I’m at the post office the other day mailing out what appears to be a record number of books and special surprises to my list of awesome clients and readers.  Out of the three post-office-attendant lines, I had one of them completely shut down due to my large number of boxes.  I could feel the tension in the room as the other lines continued to back up during the hurried lunch-hour rush.

I finally got all the packages mailed so I thanked my attendant Tiffany for her hard work and wished her a GREAT day and headed on my way. As I was walking past the long line of patrons toward the exit with my push-cart I saw one of the post-office attendants rapidly come from behind his station and approach a gentleman that had apparently borrowed some of the post-office packaging tape. For easy reference I’ll just call the attendant Bob and the patron Tom.

Sir, you can’t use the tape for that.” said Bob. “Dude you need to go back to your station and do your job because all of these people are waiting for you.” said Tom. Then Bob repeated, “Sir, you can’t use our tape for your letter. Hand it to me please.” “DUDE, Back the hell up and go do your job!

After hearing the conversation I paused for a second because I really wasn’t in a hurry to leave. I then looked over expecting to see a huge box of items that Tom was using the tape for, but to my surprise I saw three little smaller-than-standard size letters. Tom was using maybe three-cents worth of tape to bundle them together as one.


Ok, by this time I’m trying to think of a way I can help diffuse the situation. I thought that maybe if I offered the guy some of my packing tape it would be okay, but unfortunately I left my packing tape at home. And then I thought well maybe if I offered to pay for the tape maybe then Bob would concede and back off. Then it hit me. The incident had escalated to a point where Bob was probably no longer interested in just getting the tape, he was looking to save face at all cost and he couldn’t see any other way out. Yes, as you can imagine they both looked super-silly in the moment.

My wife summed it up best when she said, “Sometimes when you’re attempting to save face you’re actually losing face.”  Wow, I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Well, unfortunately the drama stops at this point without any real juicy details.  As it began to escalate more I didn’t stick around to see the resolution so I don’t know how it ended.  I can only speculate that maybe Bob called the police to report that he was robbed at scissor point.  Are maybe Tom handed over the tape and stormed out vowing never to return.  Are maybe they both gave the viewing audience a beat-down fight that landed them both in the emergency room.  Are maybe they both did an about-face and apologized to each other and hugged it out.  Not likely I’m sure but it sure is a refreshing thought.  Hmmm…

All I can say is they need to read my book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT.”  It talks about this very thing on page #55 and a host of others.

The take-home message for this entry today is, pick your battles wisely.  Three cents of packaging tape would be a walk-away battle in my book.  Remember, it always takes two to escalate a conflict so don’t be the one.

Feel free to take this Bread Crumb and Make it GREAT!

Order your copy TODAY and see why this book is destined to be loved by so many.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book