Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

While talking with one of my friends a few days ago I was suddenly reminded of an undercover phenomenon that is quietly leading to the demise of our great country. He didn’t actually say it but I felt it as our conversation drifted to a topic that is starting to impact him and his family directly.

The strength of this phenomenon lies in the fact that it’s actually disguised as something “good” and the notion that we should all strive for it at almost any cost is wreaking havoc on families around the globe.

So what is this phenomenon you ask? Well, I invite you to consider that even the greatest amount of “Success” on any job can never ever bridge the gap and make up for failure and extended absence in the home.

Now here’s where I put a “period (.)” and let you chew on this thought and think about how you will become the exception and find an acceptable balance and compromise to Make it GREAT……. Or just continue on with your business as usual.


(Here’s a hint: “They’re worth it…”
My Book:


That which we can’t see and touch actually produces that which we can see and touch. That’s right my friends, the invisibles and intangibles like our thoughts, beliefs and passions are the creators of the reality that we see before us today good or not-so-good.

So, if this is true, then controlling our intangibles and invisibles and manipulating them to our benefit is an action that’s sure to bear positive fruit and produce our desired results. Hmmm…

Simply put, taking captive our thoughts, beliefs and passions leveraging them for our benefit can no doubt get us one step closer to manifesting that which we desire most in this ‘life’ thing.

Yes my friends, sometimes the process to Make it Great is very simple but oftentimes it’s not easy. But, it’s definitely worth it when the day is done.

An occasional late-night-snack on a little breadcrumb of wisdom can’t hurt. So, eat-up and move-up and Make it GREAT!
My Book:


One of the most deceptively destructive force this side of the universe has been known to subtly lull and lure its victims into a mindset of believing everything is okay. The most susceptible victims tend to be those who have a host of credentials and/or years of service in a particular field because in many cases they’ve adopted a dangerous, old-school philosophy of “We’ve always done it this way.”

So what is this deceptively destructive force that’s subtly wrecking an untold amount of havoc on this new generation you ask? Well, it’s quite simply “Resistance to Change”. Yes that’s right friends sticking to many ways and methods of the past can be a one-way ticket to irrelevance or complete extinction. Even the animals of nature understand this concept and adapt accordingly. Hmmm…

As I casually look around in observation and interaction with many organizations the harsh truth I’ve come to realize is that some of us are in severe need of a self-inflicted intervention and re-introduction to the notion of what it means to be open to change.

I am not unmindful that this notion can be a really tough pill to swallow for some so if this proverbial “shoe” fits or applies to you or someone you know, encourage them to grab a cold glass of milk to wash this pill down. I invite you to consider the undeniable notion that new methods for a new millennium can enable us to conquer new mountains.

So don’t be afraid to embrace change because “C-H-A-N-G-E” simply means Choosing to Have A New Goal to Explore. So choose wisely and Make it GREAT!
My book:


Ever heard the phrase, “Here today and gone tomorrow.”? Well, this statement is not entirely accurate because “Here today and gone today” could be your reality. Yes my friends one day this phrase will apply to us all whether we want it to or not.

So make a point to master the moments throughout your day my friends and Make them GREAT because you never know when it’s your time to go. You could be here one day and gone….. 🙂


It seems to me that many well-known speakers and thought-leaders are now saying that “knowledge” is the new currency, but I say that knowledge has always been the true foundation of currency production so it really is nothing new. I like to say that what you learn and know will always determine what you earn in dough ($$). 🙂

To that end, you’re never too old to learn and you’re never too young to teach. Knowledge is always in constant flow to and fro. So a good question today is, “Is knowledge flowing to you, through you or from you? Or, is knowledge NOT interacting with you at all?” Hmmm…

I know that this notion may be a little deep for some of you but in simple terms, just remember to be intentional about your interaction with this “knowledge” thing. Keep knowing and flowing while you’re growing. Yes knowledge is indeed an irreplaceable currency and there’s never been a better time in history to easily reach out and grab it or give it away to our hurting humanity to help others Make it GREAT!

An invaluable breadcrumb of wisdom today this is no doubt. Make it an Awesome week!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book