Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Our actions in one tense moment of anger and frustration can have lifetime implications.  As this is true, I invite you to consider the following.

It’s in our best interest to make sure that we apply my T5 Technique before taking any drastic action when anger and hostility is coursing through our veins.  When this type of rage is present our state of mind can cause us humans to commit some unthinkable atrocities that we would never consider with an otherwise clear head.

What is the “T5 Technique” you may ask?  Well, it’s simply “Take Time To Think it Through.”  Yes my friends one moment to think it through can prevent a lifetime of heartache, regret and despair.

I’ve learned over the years that our natural response in anger is usually not the correct one and if given the chance to undo a negative outcome of anger minutes later, many people would jump at the chance to undo what’s been done.  So my good word to you today is, Take Time To Think it Through before you do…

If put into practice, this little breadcrumb of wisdom could save you much more than a heartache or heartbreak.  It could quite possibly save your life.  Let’s keep leaning forward and continuing in our noble efforts to make it GREAT!

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I’ve come to realize that in life we’re all running a race against the king of all marathons.  This runner has a distinct advantage against anyone who dares to lace-up a pair of shoes and dawn the track of life.

This juggernaut of an opponent has never, and never will be beat.  It actually even appears as if it was created specifically to run and not be weary.  It treats its race like a job and runs it without passion or prejudice.  It takes no prisoners, shows no mercy and makes no apologies for its actions. More »


Some of the people around you may attempt to squash your goals and dreams with a sharp comment or two.  I call these people “Snakes of well-intention“. Have you been bit and victimized by the vicious bite and fast-acting venom of one of these vipers lately?  If so, I say to you today, don’t lose your focus.  Let this venom be the fuel for your vision.  Choose to be empowered by cynicism and encouraged by the “N” words.  The “Never’s, the “No’s”, the “Not’s” and the “No shows”.  Shake off the nasty non-sense of the naughty naysayers.

Make a commitment today, while the weather is good so when the storms come, you will not fold up your umbrella of armor and run for cover.  You will stand your ground and not retreat into that foxhole of fear in the face of adversity for you know that all great men and women have realized their greatness or significance on the other side of such adversity and hardships.

Then when the day comes that you stand face-to-face with your achievement, may you then be so bold to tell the story of how you overcame and became.  I encourage you today to hang in there and continue to fight the good fight because a little bird told me that someone is secretly and unknowingly counting on you not just to win, but to win BIG.  Carpe Diem and make it GREAT!

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Think you can pick me out… Hmmm… The last picture me and my Dad and three brothers took with my Mommy…

My Mom checked out of this life 3 days before Mothers Day 5 years ago. And although we had some great times together as a family with Mom around, I must admit that I still have a few woulda, shoulda and coulda’s left over.

May this Mother’s Day be a special one for all of you deserving mothers out there in cyberspace. And please don’t miss your chance to make those memories while your Mom is still here.

Mom, your legacy lives on through your 3rd born and the other three. And Oh yeah, I’m still trying to make it GREAT! 


When you laugh, be sure to laugh out loud because genuine laughter is contagious and someone around you needs to be positively infected.

That’s right folks, just like an involuntary yawn from one person can spark a chain reaction with others who notice it, so too is a spontaneous smile or burst of genuine laughter equally as chain reactive.

I’ve also discovered that it’s extremely hard to smile and laugh and experience anger, sorrow and depression at the same time.  So, if you want to bust up an unwelcomed, somber mood, just try tuning into something that makes you smile and laugh and then share that joy and laughter with someone or someone’s around you.  This is indeed an awesome breadcrumb to making it GREAT!

So, laugh out loud and make someone else smile.  They’ll be glad you did.

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book