Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Just as every good seed develops its life-sustaining roots during a struggle in darkness below the ground, so too shall the foundation of our character and integrity be developed most in our hours of darkness, strain and pain.

Yes, that’s right folks the fire of fear, failure and frustration is designed to burn-away those insignificant facades on our surface to expose what’s really underneath and then allow for us to mold and develop it for the better or worse.

Simply put, your darkest hours come ONLY to give you an opportunity to be fashioned into something even more beautiful. 🙂

So don’t be afraid to push through the darkness knowing full-well that you’re being molded for something even greater in the light.

Keep Making it GREAT my friends!


I was chatting on the phone a few hours ago with an old friend of mine from college who I hadn’t talked to in over almost two years.

“Did I catch you at work in your cubicle?” I asked, and she said, “Yes I’m at work but it’s not a cubicle, it’s a big 240,000 square feet furniture warehouse.” I then said, “Sounds like the cubicles are getting bigger and bigger these days. It’s always tough for me to see a beautiful butterfly grounded.” “Wow! That was good and I soooo needed to hear that.” she said.

We shared a small chuckle of laughter together then casually conversated to catch-up on each others current status and future goals. “I know there’s something better for me in-store and I feel like I have to get out of my comfort zone and re-engage in life the way I know I can again.” she said. I agreed.

We then took some beginner steps toward plotting an exit strategy for her to transition out of her job and back into the path of her dream and I could hear her dream of something big come alive in her over the phone. Beautiful both outside and in my friend Melinda has accomplished some huge feats in many areas of her life up to this point, but I have absolutely no doubt that her best chapter is still “to be continued…” So stay tuned for the fireworks.

So, what’s your story? Are you still in the path of accomplishing a worthwhile goal or dream of yours or are you hiding out in a cubicle continuing to convince yourself that it’s okay to just be okay? Are you a grounded butterfly that’s in serious need of another chance to fly at your highest and best potential?

Well, here’s your wake-up call from a simple facebook post. It’s never too late to start on a positive path to Making it GREAT, whatever “it” is for you. So don’t wait, start planning your exit strategy to escape that lackluster “job” and get into your “dream”.

After all, we only get one time through this “life” thing and we definitely don’t want to spend it in an area that’s outside of our passion just to pay the bills. Take some steps to turn your true area of passion into your area of profit to fuel your journey to making it GREAT and you’ll find that the taste of life is Oh-so much sweeter.

Fly butterfly, FLY! And let’s Make it GREAT!


No intersection on this great planet of ours has more catastrophic accidents then the intersection where Expectations meet REALITY!

That’s right folks, you may expect some sort of action or inaction from someone or something, but please don’t get crazy and freak-out when or if it doesn’t happen quite like you expected it to. Realize that this is just part of the deal of life. So just improvise, adjust and adapt, then move on.

This life has taught me that most people mean well, but may have a little bit of trouble with the “follow-up” and “follow-through” parts of life. So it’s in our best interest to just continue to love-on-them in spite of this shortcoming and make sure that we always leave room for Plan-B adjustments and a pocket full of forgiveness.

This breadcrumb of wisdom can definitely help us to avoid a catastrophic collision or crisis and lead us to Making it GREAT! 🙂


I was sitting in church today and our awesome pastor (Kent Pedersen) was revisiting the timeless underdog story of David and Goliath when suddenly I had an interesting thought that came to mind.

Many of you know the story of the fearless little sheep-herder-boy David who singlehandedly defeated the 9-feet-tall giant Goliath, with the swing of a sling and a single smooth stone. On its face this story is about putting your faith in God and no enemy shall prosper against you. But, I felt the urge to dig just a little bit deeper to uncover an even more meaningful nugget.

The bible says that Little David chose five smooth stones from the shore of a small body of water nearby. Because of this fact, one can ponder the question of if David’s faith was so strong, why did he feel he had to choose five stones when all it took was one to do the job? Hmmm…

After a bit of research, I found that this “5-Stone” topic has been an area of debate and conjecture over the years and many have formulated different theory’s and have offered their best opinion since the bible doesn’t address this issue directly. To that end, I invite you to consider the following hypothesis that I’ve come up with.

I believe that little David’s faith was indeed unshakeable in the face of what most would consider as an insurmountable task, but even he knew that while with God’s help it would be possible to defeat the giant with just one stone it would be smart to bring more than just one in case he needed to swing again and again and again to gain his victorious win.

That’s right folks our victory may not always come with just one swing of the sling in life. The chances are we may have to swing, swing and swing again to get that “Win”.

So a good question today is exactly how many times are you willing to swing before you get that victory you seek? How many “No’s” and “No-Show’s” are you willing to endure before you get your “Yes”? Give it some serious thought and be sure to set your number high. You may need more than just a fist full of stones to get where you belong.

So prepare yourself mentally and physically for your worthwhile journey ahead so you can Make it GREAT! David did.


Ok, I must admit that I’m totally guilty of making several bad choices yesterday and you would’ve been pretty disappointed in my actions. I offer it on full display for you today in hopes that you will catch a glimpse of what NOT to do. Then, as always I’ll be sure to end it with a positive twist.

First of all I started my day a bit late getting out of bed at about 10:00am and totally skipped the most important meal of the day which is breakfast, only to make up for lost opportunity by eating a BIG lunch that had almost no nutritional value whatsoever.

I spent a very unproductive hour or two in my office on the internet watching videos of stuff that’s not going to make me any better. Then to top it off, I skipped dinner and over the span of an hour or two later I found myself eating a grand total of one Snickers Bar, two scoops of Rite-aid ice-cream, one chocolate-chip cookie and a Grab-bag size of Funyuns.

Now if this type of action and eating could send a person to Hell, I’d be headed straight down with gasoline underwear on. LOL 🙂 But here’s the good news:

Yesterday is now in the history books and I’ve been endowed with a fresh new day full of fresh new choices to make and I’m off to a GREAT start.

I’d like to encourage you today to understand that we all are capable of making bad choices and engaging in unfruitful actions and the person that says they’re not is a person that’s trying to sell you something, SO DON’T BUY IT !!!

As a leader, parent, person in power or authority it is vitally important that we be transparent in our struggles, troubles and shortcomings so that others will have the opportunity to see that we’re “Similar” and not “Special”. This can then open up avenues and mental doors in the minds of many who would’ve otherwise been closed to any notion or possibility that they could be better and do better.

You can miss breakfast, lunch or dinner today but please don’t miss this message. Today is a NEW DAY and you can start over and WIN! So get-on out there today I say and make those good choices again and Make it GREAT! I’ll go first……. 😉

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book