Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Turn your hurts, strains and pain into someone else’s gain. Leveraging your story for someone else’s benefit is the gift that pays you back one hundred fold because it’s both therapeutic and cathartic for you too. So don’t be afraid to crack open the book of your life’s story and turn some pages for someone else’s sake and Make it GREAT! You’ll be glad you did. 😉


Beware of the nasty “N” words this year:

The “Negatives”, the “No’s”, the “Never’s” and the “No-Shows”. The down-right Nastiness of the Naughty Naysayers won’t affect you this year like it’s done before.

None of this should distract or deter you from accomplishing the goal and task that you’ve set before yourself in this New Year.

So get-on out there in spite of the “Negatives” and make this year the year you just Get-it-DONE! Let’s Make it GREAT!!!


Don’t judge a book by the photo on the cover and don’t judge a daughter by the actions of her mother.

That’s right folks, allowing the actions of a person’s parents to dictate how you feel about their child can be a big mistake.  Good or bad, a person should always be seen and evaluated on their own merit.  Failing to do so is not only unfair, it’s also not very smart.

So keep this philosophy in mind and keep that mind open and don’t be surprised at what you just might find if you evaluate others on their own merit and time.

Just a little breadcrumb to help you continue to Make it GREAT in the new year.


My friendly tip for you as you embark upon this new year is, don’t expect a Lemon Tree to bear Apples.

Simply put, don’t expect people to change their negative ways overnight.  This process takes a little time and a willing heart to change the root system of their tree of life.

Sweet apples can ONLY come from sweet apple-producing trees.  So if that Lemon Tree isn’t ready to change its roots, you can forget about it bearing sweet fruits.

Just a little FYI for you in this new year.  Let’s keep striving to Make it GREAT!


All three of us agree that this year will be what you choose to make it and our hope is that you will choose to make it GREAT!  As for Me, Myself and I, we plan to make 2014 so awesome that 2013 gets insanely jealous.

Creating more value and being in service to others around this great planet of ours continues to be goal #1.


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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book