Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The Many Faces of F.E.A.R… But you can OVERCOME and BECOME something Special with a “You Can Too” Story of Triumphant Victory!!!

F.E.A.R: False Evidence Appearing Real

F.E.A.R: Forget Everything And Run !!!

F.E.A.R. Face the Enemy & Resist !!!

Don’t let FEAR weed you out. Believe you can or Believe you can’t, either way, you’re Right.

Ok to S’hare to show you Care… 😉

Please Subscribe to my Brand NEW YouTube Channel:


The Real Meaning of HO-HO-HO… Well, let me explain: Hope, Optimism, Helping Others & Harnessing Opportunity.

P.O.V.E.R.T.Y: Passing Over Valuable Experiences Repeatedly till Tomorrows become Yesterdays.

A.D.V.E.R.S.I.T.Y: Ability to Develop Via Experiencing Rough Situations that Involuntarily Train You.

A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E: A Tool To Install a Thought Used to Determine Emotion.

C.H.A.N.G.E: Choosing to Have A New Goal to Explore.

Ok to S’hare with a friend if you want to help them WIN… 😉

Subrscribe to my YouTube Channel:


Can you handle the Heat & the Pressure for the time it takes to go from LackLuster to BlockBuster? To be continued…

Stick around long enough doing the right stuff until your Success Shows Up… 😉

Ok to S’hare if you Dare to show you Care…

Subscribe to My YouTube:…/UChRC6jwTjoHV…


What does the Jack of Hearts & the Five of Clubs have to say about Making it Great is this “Life” thing. Let me Explain…

Building a Circle of “Influence” on Social Media can be both Fun & Financially Feasible… It’s definitely the WAVE of the future for thought leaders and culture sculptors.

Ok to tell a friend to help them Win…


Everybody wants to be a band member but not everybody wants to show up to practice. Hahahaha… Such is Life…

Yes my dog was trying to tell me goodbye this morning but I didn’t understand her body language… But her death reminded me of LIFE!!!

Don’t wait to Make this Life GREAT… Turn your JOB into your Growth-POD!!! Don’t just Make a Dollar, Make a DIFFERENCE!!! Don’t just Make an Income, Make an IMPACT!!!

Make sure your OLD ladder can support your New weight. Let me explan…

Ok to S’hare this to show you Care for this. 😉

Oh, and come join me on my YouTube Channel for short one minute nuggets, tips, tools, techniques and takeaways that are sure to help you to be a little bit better today than you were yesterday. 🙂

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book