Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Exposing the Process that can help you to make your “What if” scenario into a “What is”.

The BIG Squeeze is on and it just might be coming for you… Let me Explain…

Ok to S’hare if you Dare to show you Care…


The “I Am W.O.M.A.N.” Team is in the house riding Shotgun with me today and we’re Making it GREAT!!!

So what is this “Purple Purse” thing all about??? Let me Explain…

OMG… We dropped some BIG Nuggets today!

What are the FIVE T’s of Giving that can help this hurting humanity? Hmmm…


Yes I’m back and ready for ACTION!!!

Exposing the #1 Skillset this side of the Universe and why you should be working on getting better at it everyday…

Contrary to popular opinion, the Sun doesn’t really rise in the East and set in the West. The Earth is actually guilty of this one action that makes the difference. Let me explain…

Ok to S’hare if you Dare to show you Care…


Facebook muted the National Athem playing in the background at the beginning of my video. But I kept going with a nugget that’s worth S’haring.

So Where Were You when it all went down ???

Division & Isolation are war tactics of the most successful Generals in History, so don’t fall victim…

Let’s Remember this 9/11 for the Good, the Bad & the Happy & Sad, for what was meant for bad actually yielded some good.

Ok to S’hare with a friend to help them Win!!!


Me & Mr. Dean & The Lesson I Gleaned

“You can lead a Horse to water, but you CAN’T make it drink.” Or, maybe you can… Hmmm… Let me explain.

The most important power we have in this “Life” thing is the power to choose one thought over another.

Can you recognize the faint whisper of your “Inner Voice”? Listen-up because it just maybe trying to tell you have to Make it GREAT!.

Ok to S’hare if you Dare to show you Care… 😉

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book