Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I may NOT be the sharpest crayon in the box, but at least I’m capable of thinking outside of it.

Don’t be afraid to mix it up and switch it up a little bit from time-to-time, you just might be surprised at what you find in this “Life” thing when you do. The “Norm” doesn’t always have to be. Change the flavor and keep’em guessing in your space a time or two and watch what they do.

Just another little Breadcrumb to Making it GREAT!!!

Awesome Weekend my Friend !!!

Oh, and always Ok to share if you dare… 😉

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This life has shown me that few are able to connect with others better than the Transparent Teacher, Preacher or Speaker.

Yes, that’s right my friends that Teacher, Preacher or Speaker who recognizes and realizes the importance of NOT appearing to be without failures, faults and fallacies is the one that will accomplish the ever-elusive relate-ability that many seek from the platform; For it is the overcoming of our faults, failures and fallacies that give others the permission to do the same to realize their gain.

So, give it a little thought you leaders and teachers and consider leveraging your fall to help others stand tall to answer their call so they too can shed the dead-weight and Make it GREAT!


Just a friendly reminder from AKA AKA that Success and Significance in the absence of Struggle and Adversity DOES NOT EXIST!!! 😉

No Pain No Gain…

Make it GREAT!!!


The million dollar questions that make a lot of cents (sense) but won’t cost you a dime…

Can we live without Personal Development? Yes, but only a fool would recommend it. Do we need Self-Help? No, but we’ve got to be two kinds of crazy to ignore it. And, can inspiration, motivation and education really make you happy and successful? Well maybe not, but the lack of these three things are sure to negatively affect your happiness and level of success.

Yep that’s right my friends, a life can be lived in the absence of all these things but we’d have to be two kinds of crazy and three kinds of foolish to live without them.

Simply put: Living a life increasing your worth makes life worth living. So, stay committed to working on the #1 most important factor in the equation of your life which is “You”.

Now let’s go Make it GREAT!!!


Even the birds of nature won’t ever really know their full potential and capabilities until they’re pushed out of the nest. So, don’t be afraid to spread your wings and fly into the destiny of your unfolding future even if you don’t have it all figured out yet, because I truly believe that the one who needs to know-it-all won’t go-at-all.

So, do a little due diligence and follow that “gut” of yours, that’s usually where your passion and purpose hangs out anyway.

Now go ahead and JUMP, then flap those wings of yours like your life depends on it, because your quality of life does depend on it.

Let’s Make it GREAT!!!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book