Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

The Rising Sun & The Risen SonEvery morning the rising sun reminds me of ‘The’ risen son.  I’m just saying.  He’s not a bad coach to have in your corner during the fight of your life, because everyday is actually a fight for our life.

Yes my friends, everyday is a fight for territory and ground and the minute we stop fighting for it, more ground and territory is lost.  So we’re either gaining more or losing it, there’s no third direction.

Just a little food-4-thought so eat up.  These little breadcrumbs can really make a difference in the days ahead.  Make it GREAT!!!

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X Marks the SpotIf “X” marks the spot of the destination of our life journey, then “Y” should be the reason why we’re choosing to go.  Yes my friends knowing the reason “Y” we are all here is crucial and the tragedy is most people don’t know the answer.  Hmmm…  But I guess the most important question is, do you know your “Y”?

I’ve heard it said before that your reason ”Y” should make you cry.  Your life purpose should be sooooo strong that it causes you to choke-up and tear-up when you talk about it.

So “Y” are you here?  “Y” do you roll out of that bed every morning.  “Y” are you going to get back up when you get knocked down again-and-again in the days ahead?  “Y” will you continue to push past the point of physical and mental pain?  “Y” will you not let the “Naysayers” the “No’s” the “Nastiness” and the “No-Shows” discourage and distract you off the journey of your life and prevent you from accomplishing your ultimate life purpose and goal?

These are indeed some tough questions that have to be answered by those who are truly bound for accomplishing something special this side of the universe.  I trust that you’re on such a journey to accomplishing something special.

So, to you I say on this glorious day, “SAIL ON!!!” and keep that reason “Y” out in front of you like a carrot as you continue in your noble efforts to make this good life GREAT!  Make it GREAT!!!

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Magnified EffortIf I’ve learned nothing else in this life, I’ve definitely learned this.  A little magnified effort over time will eventually pay off.

Doing Daily Disciplines Daily Develops Dominance and Determines Destiny.  The activities you do or don’t do today and everyday will determine where you end up tomorrow.

You see, no one activity in and of itself is significant, but the collective activities and efforts over time can yield magnificent results.

I invite you to adopt this philosophy as your own and don’t be surprised when you reap a welcomed harvest from your daily disciplines you sow.

Let’s continue in our noble efforts to make this good life GREAT!!!


If you like this kind of stuff, you’ll absolutely looooove my book and blog.  So sign-on and order today.  It’ll be one of the best investments you’ll ever make in your own personal development.

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Poverty MindsetI encourage you to avoid the “Poverty Mindset” like the plague in the days ahead.  Our experiences yesterday are what makes us who we are today in every way.

So don’t be Putting Off Valuable Experiences Repeatedly because our Tomorrows become Yesterdays.  Now get out there and Make it GREAT!!!  That’s an order!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book