Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Our words are more powerful than we could ever know so let’s choose to speak life not only to others, but let’s speak life to ourselves and Make it GREAT!!!


We can’t turn back the hands of time or the sands of time.

That’s right my friends. We can’t make the hands of time go backwards and we can’t make the sands of time flow up, so let’s squeeze the juice out of the time we have left and master our moments.

No need to look back over the shoulder of your life only to allow your shortcomings to hold you back. Not today… Now it’s your time to shine. Your patience, persistence, prayers and perseverance is finally set to pay off huge dividends so keep going and get ready to cash-in.

So step up and step in to your new and improved destiny and remember that we ONLY get one time through this “life” thing, so let’s not just try to squeak by and make it good. Let’s be bold as we get old and Make it GREAT!!! IT’S YOUR TIME !!!


Oh, and of course it’s Ok to share if you dare… 😉

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A special event happened this morning,
So, I created this photo to give you a WARNING.

Today I saw a little toddler walking while playing on Mommy’s cell phone. He tripped and fell forward and bumped his face on the ground. Mommy rushed to his aid scooping him up with one arm and picking up the phone with the other.

No tears were shed after the fall until the toddler realized that Mommy had put the phone away, then the loud sobbing and screams could be heard for miles. Mommy quickly retrieved the phone and gave it back to him and the tear streams and loud screams suddenly stopped as his eyes went back to the little screen.

After baring witness to this I couldn’t help but to scratch my head and say “Hmmm…”

It’s amazing how much our lives are being invaded, persuaded and even jaded by our little electronic devices.

The ironic, harsh reality is that in a world full of connectivity it appears that we are becoming more and more disconnected as ever before. It appears that our personal devices are becoming more and more personally divisive.

Our world wide web is starting to entangle us in a web that’s world-wide and our internet has become the portal and gateway to enter-the-net. Some may call us victims of progress and others may call it technological digress but whatever we choose to call it, it’s NOT looking good for our social health and authentic relationship connectivity in the near future.

To this I say, don’t let it be you. Let’s choose to divorce ourselves from using technology as a constant substitute for human interaction and re-marry ourselves to the concept of genuine relationships and face-to-face interaction. Electronic devices are great but so much more is at stake to Make it GREAT!

Electronic moderation just might save our hurting nation. That’s ONLY if we want to Make it GREAT!!! 😉


And of course it’s Ok to share if you dare… 😉

My Book:
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For those of you who feel like you’ve been in your storm for waaaay too long and the odds are stacked against you emerging on the other side victorious with a story to tell, please allow me to offer you some unsolicited words of encouragement today.

Hang in there my friend for tough times don’t last but tough people do. You were built for a challenge such as this and with your faith and tenacity your victory is inevitable. There is no question of “if” but just “when” will your time of relief and no grief arrive. Yes my friend, you will eventually overcome and become that new and improved person you need to be in the process.

This journey is no doubt empowering and equipping you with the proper tools of tenacity, persistency, perseverance and consistency that it takes to achieve and succeed. Others may be counting you out but I’m counting you in my friend to win again and again and again!

So, be encouraged today I say and don’t lose your way in the fray. Hang in there long enough for your success to show up and Make it GREAT!!! Then tell us all about it. 😉


Ok to share if you dare!!! 😉

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I may NOT be the sharpest crayon in the box, but at least I’m capable of thinking outside of it.

Don’t be afraid to mix it up and switch it up a little bit from time-to-time, you just might be surprised at what you find in this “Life” thing when you do. The “Norm” doesn’t always have to be. Change the flavor and keep’em guessing in your space a time or two and watch what they do.

Just another little Breadcrumb to Making it GREAT!!!

Awesome Weekend my Friend !!!

Oh, and always Ok to share if you dare… 😉

My Blog:
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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book