Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I’ve observed over the years that just like all snakes go through the process of molting to change their skin every few years, we too as humans have to engage in the same process of change as it relates to our level of maturity.  And, although the molting change for snakes can literally happen overnight, for us humans it can take several years.

Yes that’s right folks, in most cases we’re not the same person at age 40 as we were at age 20.  Our life challenges and struggles shape and mold us over time and the old version of ourselves is eventually molted off.  The unfortunate reality is that this change is not always for the better and in some cases the molting process never happens.

Yes it’s true that some of those among us can be found guilty of growing old but never really growing up.  Some may continue to retain their childish, immature ways of ‘stinking thinking’ and maybe in some cases not even thinking at all.  They continue to live their lives today as if there is no consequences for their actions tomorrow.  They continue to allow their past hurts, hang-ups and internal rage to bully them into engaging in reckless, self-destructive behavior over-and-over again.

To this end, I invite you to join me today in sending a collective message to those who need to hear these words.  “Grow Up!  Choose to take back control and remove the bully of the memory of your bad past from your life.  You don’t have to let the old ‘you’ of yesterday define the ‘you’ of today.  You can choose to embrace the molting process of positive change and install a new belief about who you are and what you’re capable of.  Today is indeed a new day and the first day of the rest of your life.  So adopt some new positive philosophies and principles and get on your way to Making your life GREAT!  You’ll be glad you did.”  🙂


In the process of following the Golden Rule by treating other people the way you want to be treated, don’t be surprised if you start to receive some of your own good or bad treatment back at you.

Yes my friends, this timeless rule falls under the undeniable law of reciprocation.  So, if you’re treating people badly with contempt, rudeness, dishonor and disrespect, don’t be surprised when you get the same in return.

But on the other hand, if you’re making a genuine effort to treat people with dignity, compassion, approbation and appreciation, get ready to have your cup running over with the same from those who share the space around you.

So make a point to let others know that you respect them and that they matter.  Look for the good in your neighbor and sincerely compliment it.  Acknowledge that lower-level staff or co-worker and lavish them with recognition and appreciation for what they do.

Think of those things that would bring a welcomed smile to your own face if they were done to you and then make an honest effort to do those same things to others.  These things will no doubt bring reciprocated, positive results back to you.  I call this the “boomerang affect” and it eventually works every time if you give it some time.

This is definitely a breadcrumb that can make a world of difference not only in the lives of others, but also in the life of us too.  So keep leaning forward in the days ahead and be intentional about your application of keeping the Golden Rule, “Golden” and be sure to Make it GREAT!


I read your book almost every day and even though I may not remember many of the stories or events, I do remember how your book makes me feel when I read the entries…” He said as he shook my hand and hugged my neck.  “…It makes me feel like I want to be better and do something nice for somebody.  It also keeps me charged-up and ready to face my day.”

I must admit that I can’t get enough of bumping into people in various places in the community that light-up when they see me because they instantly recall the way my book makes them feel.  I feel so honored and privileged to have been a part of giving them a positive experience in their life.

When I was writing my book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” I knew that designing it to attract and accommodate the non-reader would be the key to increasing the chances that busy people would be able to read parts of it in the cracks and crevasses of time in their life.

This day-to-day devotional style lends itself to giving you a quick entry based on true personal events that are designed to inspire, motivate, encourage, empower and educate you with a quick message and send you on your way through your day.  Making you T.A.L.L.E.R. was my overall objective:  Think, Act, Laugh, Learn, Excel & Reflect.

Could it be a case of mass hysteria, or, are these hundreds of people actually experiencing something that’s really making a positive difference in their lives?  Hmmm…

Dare to find out for yourself.  Order your copy today and I guarantee that if after 30 days of reading the short content rich entries, if you don’t think it’s creating value for you, just send it back to me for a full refund.  Now who does that?  🙂

Order your copy today and I’ll through in a few FREE bonuses that are sure to help keep you focused day-to-day in a world where noise and chaos is distracting so many others.

Order NOW while the bonus supplies last for this weekend only:

Mr. BreadCrumb wants you to continue to Make It GREAT!


Just as sure as weeds will always challenge even the greatest of flowerbeds, so too will evil always challenge those who dare to attempt to do good in this world.

So if you’re feeling like you’re meeting opposition and being challenged lately by something or someone on your quest to doing something good in this world, count it all joy and keep on truckin.  Don’t give your opposition the satisfaction of thinking that it can score a victory with your defeat.

In all your respective causes that are noble and just I say “PRESS-ON” because someone is quietly counting on you not just to win, but to win BIG.

So keep pushing to Make it GREAT!

We’d be surprised at just how far we could go if we could wear a blindfold to keep us from allowing what we see with our physical eyes to distract us.  Not quitting in the face of what may appear to be insurmountable …odds can make what was once thought impossible, possible.
To that end, if this short video doesn’t get you fired up you’re dealing with some wet wood.  So, hang in there this week and DON’T QUIT!  Your applause for a job well done awaits you just a few more yards ahead.
ENJOY and Make it GREAT!
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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book