Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

I feel the sudden urge today to issue the following words of encouragement to someone(s) in eye and ear-shot of this message:  Move forward with complete confidence today knowing that even if your decision turns out to be the wrong one, it’s still the right decision for you at this time. 

Over the years I’ve learned that as we pray for guidance and wisdom to make the “right” choices and decisions we must also understand that some of the not-so-good results of our choices and decisions are creatively designed to build us up and make us better and stronger.  Failure, setbacks and negative consequences are an absolute must along our life’s journey if we intend to grow and gather wisdom.

A great rule of thumb to help prevent a good number of the setbacks and disappointments is to be sure that you continue to read, listen and participate in things that are designed to better equip you for the adversity and struggles ahead.   Simply put, our surrounding voices will determine our life choices, both good and not-so-good.   So let’s be sure to continue in our self-education efforts and embrace the learning process and see the lessons in it all so as to avoid any repeat sessions. 

So let’s all proceed with CONFIDENCE and make it GREAT!


I was flying to an event not long ago and was anxious as usual to get to my destination.  I’d taken flights like this dozens of times before without incident and this particular one was not expected to be any different. 

As I was sitting in my seat watching the flight-attendants do their normal pre-flight instructions, I had one of my “Hallelujah moments of clarity”.  Among the many instructions she was giving she stated, “In the event of a loss in cabin pressure, oxygen mask will automatically drop from the ceiling.” She then said the following profound words.  “First place your mask securely over your own nose and mouth and then help the person next to you.”  That’s when it hit me, this parallel also exist in the area of personal development.

We can’t expect to be able to adequately help someone else until we’ve equipped and educated ourselves, because as they say, “The blind can’t lead the blind”, right?    Hmmmm…

I encourage you today to make sure your seat-backs and tray-tables of knowledge and wisdom are in their upright and locked positions, and secure your mask of continual education first, then reach out to help your neighbor.  After all, the first and most important step of help starts with ourselves. 

Don’t miss this message today.  Continue to lean forward and work on bettering your best and helping the rest as we attempt to make it GREAT!

My new book will knock your socks off, then help you to put them back on properly.  So, be sure to pre-order your copy today to take advantage of the pre-order bonuses.


What a Magnificent Monday it’s going to be simply because I refuse to settle for anything less than a MAGNIFICENT day.

Over the years I’ve discovered that life is really what you make it and it starts with each day.  I encourage you to set your positive attitude in advance for the day and make a pact and promise to yourself that no matter what happens you won’t give anyone else the power to change your prearranged attitude. 

We must be careful about letting what people say or don’t say, or the things people do or don’t do negatively affect us.  We must choose to stay in control of the one thing that no one can ever take away from us, which is our attitude.  Yes my friends, the old saying is true, “Attitude” is everything.

The last time I checked I confirmed that we still only get one time through this thing called “life”, so let’s wrap our hands around the throat of this life and choke it until it screams “UNCLE!” and gives us what we want.  Grab a good book on a daily basis and pre-set that attitude for a positive, productive day as you continue in your efforts to make it GREAT. 

My new book “Make it GREAT” is designed specifically for your daily Motivation, Inspiration, Education and TRANSFORMATION!  So don’t wait to secure your copy in advance.  (All pre-orders includes a signed copy and FREE bonus audio CD that’s packed with content.)  Always remember that the most costly investment is the one that you DON’T make in yourself.

Don’t wait to Make it GREAT!


To all those Unsung Hero’s out there, AKA “Mothers”.  Please allow me to sing your song of recognition on this special day.  God in all “her” infinite wisdom see’s all that you do and she winks an eye at you.   Happy Mother DAY and be sure to Make it GREAT!



I  was visiting the Mighty Sequoia National Forest not long ago with my family.  This is the type of trip that never gets old for me.  While walking the “Trail of the Giants” I suddenly had a “Hallelujah moment of clarity.”  Some of those great trees are a few thousand years old and almost 400 feet tall.  Although the great Sequoia Redwood trees hold the illustrious title of tallest trees in the world, the life of all of them started by one single seed.  A Redwood seed is only the size of a small oatmeal flake but overtime under the right conditions of soil, sunlight and rain they’re able to grow to the massive giants we see today. 

Then this thought suddenly hit me.  If it is true that we humans are God’s greatest creations, then inside of us we should have the potential to do things in this world that would dwarf the massiveness of the world’s largest trees.  I believe that we all are born with a seed of greatness lodged inside of us.

I heard a great speaker once say that the wealthiest place on the planet is the graveyards and cemeteries. This is because most people die without ever realizing the full potential of their seed of greatness. Most people leave this life with all of their potential still locked inside of them only to be claimed by the grave.  Only our creator knows what could’ve been created or accomplished had they realized their full potential. We must not let this be our fate.  We must commit to finding our purpose and “Why” for living and develop our full potential in this life as if our lives depend on it because our quality of life actually does depend on it.  

While on my trip to the Sequoia’s, I felt inspired to create a reminder of the seeds that created the giant trees of the Sequoia National Forest and use it to remind us of the “Seed of Greatness” that exist in all of us.  I proudly display this “dream novelty” in specific places that I can see and be reminded regularly to continue to fill my day with purpose-filled actions and pursue my goals, gifts and greatness. 

These crystal resin crafts all have one single authentic seed from a Sequoia Redwood Tree and are all hand made with love.  Only a limited number is available so start your collection today and share one with a friend or two as a gift.  We can all use a little friendly reminder every now-and-then to keep us on track and on task in this “Life” thing, especially if you’re a part of a team/organization.  We only get one time through, so let’s make our best effort to make it GREAT!

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book