Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

No one of us is better than the sum of us.  Together we can do exceedingly more than we could ever do apart.  Greatness is never accomplished by one man or woman alone.

I’m sooooo grateful for the people that have been strategically placed around me on this awesome life journey to something that matters.  Their role, whether small or big, makes what I do possible and to them I say one big THANK YOU!!!

Many, Many more projects in the works that are designed to benefit all those who dare to push toward being better today than they were yesterday.

Order the book Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT today and join the masses that have taken the plunge in the direction of developing themselves daily by one breadcrumb at a time. 


Friendly Reminder:

Out of all the things to remember during your daily routine of life please add this one thing to the list.  Never forget to engage in activities that are specifically designed to sharpen your Passion Pencil.

Yes my friends it’s extremely important that we make a point to read a quick blurb of something that will encourage us or listen to a quick audio-jot of something that will inspire us.

Schedule a lunch or phone “power-chat” with someone who can mutually motivate and stimulate you.  Commit a completely random act of kindness when the opportunity presents itself.  These activities will keep your mind on good and positive things which opens you up to receive that which is good and positive into your life in return.

Those who are intentional about engaging in these little but significant daily disciplines and actions will soon find themselves getting better and better and closer and closer to accomplishing that which they seek.  There are many laws in this great universe of ours placed there by our creator that makes these intentional activities sooooo powerful over time.

So I invite you to adjust your day-calendars accordingly and modify your to-do list as appropriate and don’t just make this life “good,” be intentional in the days ahead and take this breadcrumb of wisdom and make it GREAT!  Keep that Passion Pencil sharpened.

My Book, Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT can help.
NOW AVAILABLE so Order Today @:


Black Friday Weekend Special ONLY !!!

Place your order This Weekend… This book and the bonus items make a GREAT Gift for that friend or loved one. 



“Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT!”

All pre-orders are being shipped out.

Order your copy TODAY @: 


It’s not too late to pre-order your copy today and cash-in on the FREE bonuses, which include an autographed copy and one of my audio “I.M.Packed” (Impact) CD’s that’s “Packed” with “Inspiration” and “Motivation.”  You get this and two other surprise bonuses that are guaranteed to keep you more focused on your goals and dreams daily while others get distracted.

The day we give Thanks was the most appropriate day I could choose for release because I have sooooo much to be thankful and grateful for.  In fact, we all do.  So, let’s continue on our non-stop mission.  I invite you to take these Bread Crumbs and Make it GREAT!

I want to make sure I can send you these FREE bonuses, so Pre-ORDER NOW…

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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book