Motivational Speaker • Author • Entrepreneur • Life Coach • Writer

Would it surprise you if I told you that “resistance” is an indispensable factor of life? Even the greatest of airplanes could never reach for the sky and achieve flight in the absence of the resistance created by the air around it.

Well, just as this is true it’s also true that we humans need a bit of resistance and adversity around us in our lives in order for us to grow and thrive. That’s right my friends, resistance is absolutely necessary for us to achieve anything worthwhile, with emphasis on the words “worthwhile”.

So as a result, if we’re not encountering any resistance on our “worthwhile” journey in this “life” thing, then it may be a good sign that our desired goal just might not be worth our while. Hmmm… Just a short fyi for you today in hopes that you will realize and embrace the role of resistance and continue in your efforts to make this “good” life GREAT!


Ok my friends, I have a burning question to ask you today before you head into this wonderful weekend. It’s a simple question that I’m not really looking for an answer to but it’s designed to actually make you think.

It’s a question that may even provoke you to ask the personal question of whether or not you should consider making a slight change in your daily actions. So what is this burning question? Well, it’s quite simply, “What are you reading?” Hmmm…

The harsh truth is that there’s no real distinct difference between those who can’t read and those who don’t read because both parties will struggle in the area of real growth over time. Hmmm…

So, what are you reading? Please don’t answer this question here, just make sure you’re crystal clear. Reading to gain knowledge and wisdom really is fundamental to all things great and significant. So let’s do ourselves a favor and make it a regular habit. You’ll be glad you did.

Btw: My best selling book, “BreadCrumbs to Making it Great” can definitely be one of those books that can make you better today than you were yesterday. Pick up you a copy today at my website if you’d like and I’ll even something special in for you:

Let’s keep Making it GREAT!


Have you ever realized that there’s only a one letter difference between those who “Fail” and those who “Sail”? Well, it’s certainly true and what I’ve come to realize is that the ones who “Sail” didn’t let the memory of their last failure bully them into a mediocre mindset of playing it safe in calm waters. The ones who “Sail” make a conscious decision repeatedly to right their ship, adjust their mast and alter their course as needed so that they will eventually reach their desired destination.

So, I encourage you today to keep on sailing and understand that the reality is that you’re actually failing your way to success because “Failure” is an unavoidable prerequisite for “true” success. So STAY THE COURSE and let’s continue in our efforts to Make it GREAT!


Our current position in life is not an “Ooops-Accident” or haphazard event. Good, bad, happy or sad we are all where we are in this “life” thing today because of our decisions and actions yesterday and we will all be where we end up tomorrow as a result of our decisions and actions of today.

This notion has long since been based in truth but it’s pretty interesting that it appears that only people who’re currently in a position of success are the ones that don’t have a problem admitting it.

Yes my friends, it wasn’t some secondary scheme or plot or conspiracy of some mythical God’s that landed us where we are today. So I encourage you to stop merely surviving and start striving and thriving for our fate is indeed what we make, so let’s all continue choosing to Make it GREAT!


A Friendly Reminder about my “Sometime’s Theory”:

Sometimes we have to slow down before we can speed up again.

Sometimes we have to shed a tear before we can once again cheer.

Sometimes we have to fall before we can stand tall.

Sometimes we have to take one on the chin before we can high-five again.

Sometimes we have to experience the pain, stress and strain before we can realize the gain.

Sometimes that which was once obscure will eventually become more clear if you make an effort to hear.

Sometimes the road will be hard before you get your success card.

Sometimes it has to hurt a bit before you can get over it.

Sometimes you have to take a step back before you can get back on track.

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same thing.

Sometimes that which makes you cry is the same thing that will eventually make you FLY!

Sometimes the things that once made you frown and feel down will eventually be the reason for you joyful sound.

And finally, Sometimes the things that you read will eventually help you to SUCCEED!

So keep turning the pages of those positive books and blogs and don’t be surprised when you start to see yourself consistently Making it GREAT!


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My Book:
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P.I.E. In the Sky
Make it Great Volume 2 Book